Objective: Definition of the molecular basis of the Reunion and the Bombay red cell and salivary H-deficient phenotypes. Methods: Sequence and expression of FUT1 and FUT2 genes from H-deficient individuals. Family segregation analysis of the mutations responsible for the fucosyltransferase defects of H, secretor and Lewis systems. Results: The Indian red cell H null Bombay phenotype depends on a new mutation of the FUT1 gene. T725 → G changing Leu242 → Arg. Their salivary nonsecretor phenotype is secondary to a complete deletion of the FUT2 gene. The red cell H weak Reunion phenotype depends on another new mutation of FUT1, C349 → T which induces a change of His117 → Tyr. Their salivary nonsecretor phenotype is due to the known Caucasian inactivating mutation G428 → A. Conclusion: Single prevalent FUT1 and FUT2 point mutations and a deletion are responsible for the Indian Bombay H null and the Reunion H weak phenotypes found on Reunion island. This is in contrast with other H-deficient phenotypes where sporadic nonprevalent inactivating mutations are the rule.

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