The association of a variant N with a ‘new’ antigenic type of the Miltenberger sub-system, the first example of which was described recently, has been found in three further non-related persons. The ‘new’ Miltenberger type, Cell Class V, is defined by the reactions Vw- (Mi(a-) Mur- Hil+, for which the ‘shortland’ symbol Mi. V is proposed. The N variant is characterized by fair to normal reactions with rabbit and Vicia graminea, but weak or negative reactions with most human anti-N reagents. The responsible gene complex, Ns^Mi*V, also gives rise to a variant s antigen,which reacts exaggeratedly with most anti-s sera by the antiglobulin method, and not at all with one anti-s in saline. The first example of the gene complex Ms^Mi*v is described, which gives rise to variant M and s, whose reactivity is quite analogous to the variant N and s observed in the other cases. The findings are discussed, in particular with regard to their bearing on the interrelationship between so-called satellites and the main antigens of the MNSs system.