Objectives: The article gives an review about hyperkinetic and conduct disorders in childhood and adolescence. After a summary of empirical results concerning symptoms and prevalence as well as comorbid disorders, concepts of releasing and maintaining factors are discussed. After a short description of assessment and monitoring, an overview on behavioural interventions, their indication and efficacy is given. Conclusions: Both disorders are frequent and they often coincide. In hyperkinetic disorders genetic factors are more important than in the development of conduct disorders. A comprehensive multimodal treatment is usually necessary. Pharmacotherapy is important in the treatment of hyperkinetic disorders. The effects of comprehensive behavioural interventions especially of parent trainings and interventions in the family and the schools are well established. In child-oriented interventions (e.g. self-instructional training, problem solving training, social skills training) particularly the transfer of treatment effects to the natural environment of the child (family, school, peers) has to be focused on.