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Keywords: Lymphadenectomy
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Urol Int (2014) 92 (2): 194–201.
Published Online: 17 September 2013
...Paweł Wiechno; Tomasz Kalinowski; Bartosz Itrych; Bożena Sikora-Kupis; Tomasz Demkow; Marek Karwański Introduction: Penile cancer is rare, and data on prognostic factors of the disease are scarce. The aim of the study was to assess prognostic factors in patients undergoing lymphadenectomy...
Journal Articles
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Urol Int (2011) 86 (4): 487–490.
Published Online: 19 February 2011
... Nephrectomy Lymphadenectomy Urologia Internationalis Case Report Urol Int 2011;86:487 490 DOI: 10.1159/000323866 Received: September 24, 2010 Accepted after revision: December 20, 2010 Published online: February 19, 2011 Long-Term Survival in a Patient with Node-Positive Adult-Onset Xp11.2 Translocation...
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Urol Int (1995) 55 (2): 78–83.
Published Online: 03 February 2010
... to in the content or advertisements. Laparoscopy Lymph-node staging Lymphadenectomy Prostatic cancer, complications Original Paper Urol Int 1995;55:78-83 R. Klan Th. Meier H.H. Knispel H.E.H. Wegner K. Miller Urologische Klinik, Klinikum Benjamin Franklin der Freien Universität Berlin, Deutschland...
Journal Articles
Journal Articles
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Urol Int (1973) 28 (6): 453–468.
Published Online: 26 January 2010
...W. Vahlensieck; L. Beltz; L. Weissbach In 65 semicastrations and lymphadenectomies in patients with germinative testicular tumors with an overall low rate of intra- and postoperative complications and a zero-operative mortality, we found complications of the lymphatic system in three cases. One...
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Urol Int (2007) 79 (3): 191–199.
Published Online: 17 October 2007
...Maurizio Buscarini; David Y. Josephson; John P. Stein Background: Radical cystectomy is the standard treatment for muscle invasive bladder cancer, however the role and appropriate extent of an associated lymphadenectomy continues to change. Methods: We performed a detailed review of the medical...
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Urol Int (2001) 67 (1): 19–23.
Published Online: 18 July 2001
...Jens-Uwe Stolzenburg; Heidemarie Pfeiffer; Jochen Neuhaus; Manfred Sommerfeld; Wolfgang Dorschner Purpose: This article describes our experience of using a totally extraperitoneal approach for endoscopic pelvic lymphadenectomy and inguinal hernia repair with the mesh technique in one procedure...