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Urol Int (1997) 58 (4): 247–249.
Published Online: 04 February 2010
...Koichi Sakata; Shinya Ishikawa; Akihiko Tokue; Norio Hirota Aggressive angiomyxoma is a rare benign tumor, arising in the pelvic soft tissues and perineum. It occurs almost exclusively in adult females. It is locally infiltrative and exhibiting a high risk of local recurrence. However, it is slow...
Journal Articles
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Urol Int (1992) 49 (3): 141–145.
Published Online: 03 February 2010
... size of tumor-involved lymph nodes despite endocrine treatment led us to speculate that a certain proportion of patients will bear the risk of disease progression during preoperative androgen deprivation. Furthermore, there was local recurrence early in the postoperative course and at the high rate...
Journal Articles
Journal Articles
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Urol Int (1999) 62 (4): 234–237.
Published Online: 12 November 1999
... results in terms of local recurrence rates, survival and mortality rates. Material and Methods: From 1976 to 1997, 47 patients were treated at our institution for carcinoma of penis. Treatment of primary tumor was conservative in 8 patients (17%). Partial penectomy was performed in 30 patients (63.8...
Journal Articles