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Urol Int (2013) 91 (2): 245–248.
Published Online: 14 March 2013
..., after preoperative staging, a left subcostal laparotomy was performed, with resection of the left adrenal gland, a splenectomy, and resection of the pancreatic tail. The histology showed an adrenal pseudocyst with a fibrous capsule containing amorphous eosinophilic material with calcification...
Journal Articles
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Urol Int (1991) 47 (1): 48–52.
Published Online: 02 February 2010
... Aorta, rat Bursting strength Histology Urol Int 1991;47:48-52 ©1991 S. Karger AG. Basel 0042-1138/91/0471-0048Î2.75/0 Bursting Strength of the Rat Aorta: Comparison of Suture and Laser Anastomoses1 R.A. Bürgera, C.-D. Gerharzb, M. Seitzmayera, U. Engelmannc, R. Hohenfellnera Department of Urology...
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Urol Int (1985) 40 (1): 36–42.
Published Online: 29 January 2010
...B. Helpap The combined histologic and cytologic grading of carcinomas of the prostate is not only important in evaluation of prognosis but determines the choice of therapy with knowledge of staging. Tissue biopsies of 2,200 prostatic carcinomas were classified and graded histologically...
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Urol Int (1988) 43 (1): 56–59.
Published Online: 29 January 2010
...J.P.A. de Jonge; D. von Kortzfleisch; M.H. Blessing; W. Ströker A case of fibroepithelioma or fibrous polyp of the renal pelvis with recurrence 2 years after primary conservative resection is reported. Radiological, histological and electron microscopical findings are described. This is the 9th...
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Urol Int (1980) 35 (5): 351–355.
Published Online: 27 January 2010
... of autonomic nerve terminals. These observations are intended to form a baseline for comparison with the results of future morphological studies of trabeculation arising in response to different aetiological factors. Urinary bladder Trabeculation Prostatic hypertrophy Histology Fine structure...
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Urol Int (1977) 32 (4): 269–276.
Published Online: 27 January 2010
...J.A. Gosling; S.A. Thompson The histological structure and neurohistochemical properties of peripheral autonomic nerve cells which supply the bladder neck and male genital tract have been examined in the human infant. Two types of neuron have been recognised and their morphological features...
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Urol Int (1979) 34 (5): 356–362.
Published Online: 27 January 2010
... in the embolized and contralateral kidneys and in serum 2 h after a short infusion of 1 h Cefazolin. The concentrations in serum and homogenized kidney tissue were determined by means of the agar gel diffusion method. Angiography showed no vessels in the embolized kidneys. Histologically there was total atrophy...
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Urol Int (2004) 73 (1): 59–64.
Published Online: 25 June 2008
... evaluated histologically. Results: In group II, spermatogenesis progressed to meiosis but round spermatids were found to be decreased and pachytene spermatocytes were observed to be increased when compared to group I. Giant pachytene spermatocytes were seen. There were also many degenerated cells...
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Urol Int (1999) 63 (2): 110–114.
Published Online: 03 December 1999
...Kemal Sarica; Kemal Bakir To evaluate the protective effect of external cooling on testicular histology and tubular diameter, an experimental study was performed on rat testes that underwent a torsion procedure for a defined period of time (4 h). In a second group of animals external cooling for 90...
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Urol Int (1999) 62 (3): 159–163.
Published Online: 04 October 1999
... (verapamil) on the histology and the tubular diameter of contralateral testicle was evaluated. Following a definite period of unilateral testicular torsion (i.e., 4 h), the protective effect of this specific medication was evaluated both after detorsion and orchiectomy procedures. The results of our study...