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Journal Articles
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Urol Int (2019) 102 (2): 218–223.
Published Online: 12 October 2018
.... Tissues were evaluated histologically for fibrosis grade (Haematoxylin & Eosin staining), collagen/smooth muscle ratio (Masson Trichrome staining) and type III/type I collagen ratio (Picro-sirius red staining). Statistical analysis was performed by Kruskal-Wallis and chi-square followed by the Mann...
Journal Articles
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Urol Int (2018) 100 (2): 228–239.
Published Online: 18 November 2017
... groups: an increase in the degree of penile curvature, fibrous plaques in the PTA and/or corpus cavernosum, broken elastic fibers, slightly decreased erectile function, and an increased expression of TGF-β1 and αSMA. Conclusions: Repeated ChE injuries of PTA may lead to fibrosis. This represents...
Journal Articles
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Urol Int (2015) 95 (2): 233–239.
Published Online: 03 February 2015
... Cavernous nerve injury Erectile dysfunction Fibrosis Neuroprotection Erectile dysfunction (ED) following cavernous nerve (CN) injury frequently accompanies radical prostatectomy. Despite advances in anatomic knowledge and technology, such as nerve sparing and robotic-assisted radical...
Journal Articles
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Urol Int (1982) 37 (5): 335–348.
Published Online: 29 January 2010
.... Wagenknecht, W.H. Meyer, A. Wiskemann Urologischc Klinik und Hautklinik, Universität Hamburg, BRD Value of Various Treatments for Penile Induration (Peyronie s Disease) Key Words. Andrology Penile surgery Fibrosis Penile induration Medical therapy Mb. Peyronie Abstract. Etiology, pathogenesis...
Journal Articles
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Urol Int (2007) 78 (3): 208–213.
Published Online: 04 April 2007
... of periurethral fibrosis were determined by abdominopelvic MRI. Continent (group 1) and incontinent (group 2) groups were compared in terms of sphincteric urethral length, transverse and craniocaudal diameters of levator ani muscles, volume of periurethral fibrosis, prostate volume, age and pathological stage...
Journal Articles