Venogenic impotence was detected in 37 out of 141 patients who attended our clinic with a complaint of erectile dysfunction. Eighteen patients presented with primary impotence and the rest had progressive secondary impotence. All 37 patients have shown partial or poor response to 60 mg of intracavernosal papaverine. The corporovenous leak (CVL) was diagnosed on the careful workup of dynamic pharmacocavernosometry and cavernosography. Concomitant arterial cause was noted in 10% cases on the basis of penile duplex Doppler ultrasound study. 24 patients in the age group of 23–60 years underwent the penile venous surgery. The CVL was noted in the deep dorsal vein (23 cases), cavernous vein (16) and in the crural vein (2). The operation consisted of deep dorsal vein (DDV) ligation and excision with all tributaries (8 cases) or DDV ligation and excision + cavernous vein ligation (13 cases), through an infrapubic curvilinear incision. One patient had crural vein ligation and corporoplasty through a perineal incision, one had direct corporeal revascularization for associated arteriogenic impotence with venous leak and another had distal spongiolysis and closure of a corporospongiosal shunt. The results were excellent in 11 cases, improved in 6 and 7 had failures. Surgical intervention is effective in CVL in selected cases but limiting factors in the form of increasing age, concomitant arteriogenic cause, significant crural leak, missing tributaries, recurrent venous leak and unknown factors may also be present to prevent total cure.