A serendipitous cure in a 73-year-old woman of Hunner’s ulcer, urge, nocturia, apical prolapse by a tissue fixation system tensioned minisling (TFS) which reinforced the cardinal, and uterosacral ligaments (USLs) led us to analyse the relationship between Hunner’s ulcer and known pain conditions associated with USL laxity. The original intention was to cure the “posterior fornix syndrome” (PFS), uterine prolapse, and associated pain and bladder symptoms by USL repair. A speculum inserted preoperatively into the posterior fornix alleviated pain and urge symptoms, by mechanically supporting USLs. Hunner’s ulcer, along with pain and other PFS symptoms were cured by USL repair. The concept of USL laxity causing chronic pelvic pain and bladder problems is not new. It was published in the German literature by Heinrich Martius in 1938 and by Petros in the English literature in 1993. These findings raise important questions. As PFS symptoms are identical with those of interstitial cystitis (IC), are PFS and IC similar conditions? If so, then patients with IC who have a positive speculum test are at least theoretically, potentially curable by USL repair. These questions need to be explored.