Purpose: The coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic is disrupting urology health-care worldwide. Reduced emergency room visits resulting in adverse outcomes have most recently been reported in pediatrics and cardiology. We aimed to compare patients with emergency room visits for pyelonephritis in 2019 (pre-COVID-19 era) and within the first wave of pandemic in 2020 (COVID-19 era) with regard to the number of visits and severe adverse disease outcomes. Methods: We performed a retrospective multicentre study comparing characteristics and outcomes of patients with pyelonephritis, excluding patients with hydronephrosis due to stone disease, in 10 urology departments in Germany during a 1-month time frame in March and April in each 2019 and 2020. Results: The number of emergency room visits for pyelonephritis in the COVID-19 era was lower (44 patients, 37.0%) than in the pre-COVID-19 era (76 patients, 63.0%), reduction rate: 42.1% (p = 0.003). Severe adverse disease outcome was more frequent in the COVID-19 era (9/44 patients, 20.5%) than in the pre-COVID-19 era (5/76 patients, 6.6%, p = 0.046). In detail, 7 versus 3 patients needed monitoring (15.9 vs. 3.9%), 2 versus no patients needed intensive-care treatment (4.5 vs. 0%), 2 versus no patients needed drain placement (4.5 vs. 0%), 2 versus no patients had a nephrectomy (4.5 vs. 0%), and 2 versus 1 patient died (4.5 vs. 1.3%). Conclusion: This report of collateral damage during CO-VID-19 showed that emergency room visits were decreased, and severe adverse disease outcomes were increased for patients with pyelonephritis in the COVID-19 era. Health authorities should set up information campaign programs actively encouraging patients to utilize emergency room services in case of severe symptoms specifically during the actual second wave of pandemic.