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Keywords: Gonad development
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Journal Articles
Sex Dev (2021) 15 (5-6): 381–391.
Published Online: 28 September 2021
... determination and gonad development in mice, it has been reported that new non-transcriptional events, such as alternative splicing, could play a key role in sex determination in mammals. We know the role of key regulatory factors, like WT1(+/–KTS) or FGFR2(b/c) in pre-mRNA splicing and sex determination...
Journal Articles
Sex Dev (2020) 13 (4): 195–204.
Published Online: 11 May 2020
... to in the content or advertisements. 2020 Comparative genomics Development Evolution Gonad development Gonadal differentiation Oestradiol treatment Sex determination Disorders of sex development are common birth abnormalities in humans that affect 1.7% of live births [Fausto-Sterling, 2000...
Journal Articles
Sex Dev (2012) 7 (1-3): 95–103.
Published Online: 31 August 2012
... and lengths of exposure that influence TSD are remarkably variable among species. In addition, transitory gene regulatory networks leading to gonadal TSD have evolved. Although most genes involved in gonadal development are conserved in vertebrates, including TSD species, temporal and spatial gene expression...
Journal Articles
Sex Dev (2012) 7 (1-3): 147–162.
Published Online: 23 May 2012
...R. Jiménez; F.J. Barrionuevo; M. Burgos Gonads are the only organs with 2 possible developmental pathways, testis or ovary. A consequence of this unique feature is that mutations in genes controlling gonad development give rise not only to gonadal malformation or dysfunction but also to frequent...
Journal Articles
Sex Dev (2008) 2 (3): 152–166.
Published Online: 03 September 2008
...; Brennan and Capel, 2004]. Murine gonads develop faster than gonads of other mammalian species including humans. Time span and some morphological features of the urogenital ridge differ in several aspects between mice and other mammals. Histologically distinct gonadal tissues such as cortex...
Journal Articles
Sex Dev (2007) 1 (5): 305–310.
Published Online: 18 January 2008
... responsibility for any injury to persons or property resulting from any ideas, methods, instructions or products referred to in the content or advertisements. Gonad development Immunohistochemistry Mouse Sex determination SRY Sexual reproduction requires the existence of two sexes – male...
Journal Articles
Journal Articles
Sex Dev (2007) 1 (2): 114–126.
Published Online: 13 April 2007
... or services advertised or of their effectiveness, quality or safety. The publisher and the editor(s) disclaim responsibility for any injury to persons or property resulting from any ideas, methods, instructions or products referred to in the content or advertisements. Gene expression Gonad development...
Journal Articles
Sex Dev (2007) 1 (2): 127–137.
Published Online: 13 April 2007
.... Bmp7 Germ cells Gonad development Proliferation In the mouse, a population of primordial germ cells (PGCs) is first detectable at approximately 7.25 days post coitum (dpc) in a region posterior to the primitive streak [Ginsburg et al., 1990]. PGCs migrate through the hindgut...