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December 2005
ISSN 1660-5527
EISSN 1660-5535
In this Issue
Journal Name Change
Vol. 1-10 (1988-1997) were published under the journal's former title Skin Pharmacology and Vol. 11-16 (1998-2003) under Skin Pharmacology and Applied Skin Physiology, respectively.
Skin Pharmacology and Physiology 2006, Vol. 19, No. 1
Special Section
Acknowledgements to Reviewers
Skin Pharmacol Physiol (2005) 19 (1): 1.
Novel Drug Delivery Systems: Potential in Improving Topical Delivery of Antiacne Agents
Skin Pharmacol Physiol (2005) 19 (1): 2–16.
Original Paper
The Role of Menthol in Skin Penetration from Topical Formulations of Ibuprofen 5% in vivo
Skin Pharmacol Physiol (2005) 19 (1): 17–21.
Evaluation of Skin Viscoelasticity in Type 1 Neurofibromatosis Patients
Skin Pharmacol Physiol (2005) 19 (1): 22–27.
Transdermal Delivery of Tea Catechins by Electrically Assisted Methods
Skin Pharmacol Physiol (2005) 19 (1): 28–37.
Are Sweat Glands an Alternate Penetration Pathway? Understanding the Morphological Complexity of the Axillary Sweat Gland Apparatus
Skin Pharmacol Physiol (2005) 19 (1): 38–49.
Activity of the Triazole Antifungal R126638 as Assessed by Corneofungimetry
C. Piérard-Franchimont; J. Ausma; L. Wouters; V. Vroome; L. Vandeplassche; M. Borgers; G. Cauwenbergh; G.E. Piérard
Skin Pharmacol Physiol (2005) 19 (1): 50–56.