Introduction: Magnetic resonance-guided focused ultrasound (MRgFUS) thalamotomy effectively treats medication-resistant essential tremor (ET). Usually, intracranial calcifications are excluded as no-pass zones because of their low penetrability which may limit the effectiveness of treatment and lead to unintended side effects. This case report illustrates the efficacy of unilateral MRgFUS for tremor control in a patient with extensive basal ganglia calcifications due to Fahr’s disease. Case Presentation: A 69-year-old right-handed male with debilitating Fahn-Tolosa-Marin grade 3–4 bilateral hand tremor underwent unilateral left MRgFUS thalamotomy. The treatment involved careful preoperative planning to accommodate his extensive basal ganglia calcifications, element path consideration, and skull density ratio to ensure accurate and effective lesioning. Posttreatment, the patient exhibited complete abolition of tremor on the treated side with minor transient dysarthria and imbalance. Follow-up at 12 weeks posttreatment showed sustained tremor relief and an absence of any adverse effects, validating the procedural adjustments made to accommodate the unique challenges posed by his intracranial calcifications. Conclusion: MRgFUS can be safely and effectively applied in certain patients with extensive basal ganglia calcifications – in this case, due to Fahr’s disease. This case report suggests expanding the application of MRgFUS to patients with extensive intracranial calcifications who previously might not have been considered suitable candidates for MRgFUS.