Stereoelectroencephalography (SEEG) in children with intractable epilepsy presents particular challenges. Their thin and partially ossified cranium, specifically in the temporal area, is prone to fracture while attaching stereotactic systems to the head or stabilizing the head in robot’s field of action. Postponing SEEG in this special population of patients can have serious consequences, reducing their chances of becoming seizure-free and impacting their social and cognitive development. This study demonstrates the safety and accuracy offered by a frameless personalized 3D printed stereotactic implantation system for SEEG investigations in children under 4 years of age. SEEG was carried out in a 3-year-old patient with drug-resistant focal epilepsy, based on a right temporal-perisylvian epileptogenic zone hypothesis. Fifteen intracerebral electrodes were placed using a StarFix patient-customized stereotactic fixture. The median lateral entry point localization error of the electrodes was 0.90 mm, median lateral target point localization error was 1.86 mm, median target depth error was 0.83 mm, and median target point localization error was 1.96 mm. There were no perioperative complications. SEEG data led to a tailored right temporal-insular-opercular resection, with resulting seizure freedom (Engel IA). In conclusion, patient-customized stereotactic fixtures are a safe and accurate option for SEEG exploration in young children.