Objective: To evaluate the efficacy of an informational website in improving patient knowledge on hair care and exercise. Design: Pre- and post-exposure surveys, focusing on exercise and hair care practices, were administered to subjects after 1 h of browsing a dermatologist-designed hair care and exercise website. Setting: Winston Salem State University, a historically Black university in North Carolina, USA. Participants: 22 African-American women (AAW) aged between 18 and 54 years. Measurements: The outcome measures of the study include patient demographics, hair care practices, knowledge of hair/care disorders, exercise habits, and website feedback. Results: There were 22 women enrolled in the study with 95% identifying as African-American. The average age was 28 ± 12 years. A total of 80% (16/20) of subjects reported exercising less than 150 min per week, and 36% of these patients reported modifying their hairstyle to accommodate physical activity. 85% learned new information about hair and scalp disorders from the educational material on the website, and 81% had increased understanding of their hair health. 91% reported that they would return to the website. Conclusion: An informational website can be an effective tool to educate AAW on hair and scalp disease, as well as appropriate hair care practices and fitness goals.