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Keywords: Supine position
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Journal Articles
Journal: Respiration
Respiration (1991) 58 (5-6): 260–264.
Published Online: 20 January 2009
... suggestive for pulmonary embolism (PE). For this purpose, we performed planar chest radiographs both in the seated and supine positions, keeping the target-to-film distance at 2 m, in 20 patients with acute PE. Chest radiograph was then repeated 1 month later in either position with the radiological...
Journal Articles
Journal: Respiration
Respiration (2002) 69 (2): 123–128.
Published Online: 08 April 2002
... tension (PaO 2 ) and arterial carbon dioxide tension (PaCO 2 ) in healthy elderly. Methods: We tested 46 ‘lung-healthy’ elderly, including 30 women and 16 men, 67–88 years of age. Blood was drawn from the radial artery first in the sitting position and subsequently in the supine position. Spirometry...