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Keywords: Osteoporosis
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Journal Articles
Subject Area:
Journal: Respiration
Respiration (2024) 103 (1): 1–9.
Published Online: 05 December 2023
... of osteoporosis and factors associated with pre-LT osteoporosis and post-LT BMD loss were evaluated. The frequency of post-LT compression fracture and its associated factors were also analyzed. Results: This study included 128 adult LT recipients. LT recipients had decreased BMD (151.8 ± 42.2 mg/mL) before LT...
Journal Articles
Journal: Respiration
Respiration (2010) 80 (2): 112–119.
Published Online: 04 February 2010
...% in the general population vs. 18.7% in COPD patients); osteoporosis (10.8% in the general population vs. 14.8% in COPD patients), with a higher impact of COPD on women aged <75 years, and malignant pulmonary neoplasms (0.4% in the general population vs. 1.9% in COPD patients). Conclusions: Our results...
Journal Articles
Journal: Respiration
Respiration (2009) 78 (2): 230–233.
Published Online: 21 February 2009
..., instructions or products referred to in the content or advertisements. Asthma Bone ultrasound Inhaled corticosteroids Osteoporosis • Inhaled corticosteroids (ICS) are the gold standard in therapy of persistent asthma. However, fear of systemic side effects like bone density loss leads...