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Keywords: Obesity
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Journal Articles
Journal: Respiration
Respiration (2021) 99 (10): 856–866.
Published Online: 26 November 2020
...Judith Maria Brock; Adrian Billeter; Beat Peter Müller-Stich; Felix Herth Obesity is becoming more and more prevalent especially in Western industrial nations. The understanding of adipose tissue as an endocrine organ as well as the detection of adipocytokines – hormones that are secreted from...
Journal Articles
Journal Articles
Journal Articles
Journal: Respiration
Respiration (2016) 92 (3): 158–165.
Published Online: 06 September 2016
...Irtaza Khan; Arjun B. Chatterjee; Christina R. Bellinger; Edward Haponik Background: Bronchoscopy is a safe and minimally invasive diagnostic tool, but no studies have reported prospectively on sedation and outcomes in patients with objectively defined obesity. Objectives: The purpose of the study...
Journal Articles
Journal: Respiration
Respiration (2014) 87 (3): 219–226.
Published Online: 23 January 2014
...Cindy K. Lee; Eshetu Tefera; Gene Colice Background: The effect of obesity on outcomes in critically ill patients requiring invasive mechanical ventilation in a medical intensive care unit (ICU) is uncertain. Objectives: This study was intended to further explore the relationship between outcomes...
Journal Articles
Journal: Respiration
Respiration (2011) 82 (6): 539–549.
Published Online: 11 October 2011
...J. Richard Skelly; Ruth A. O’Connell; James F.X. Jones; Ken D. O’Halloran Background: Age, obesity and male sex are risk factors for the development of obstructive sleep apnoea syndrome. Objective: We examined structural and functional properties of the sternohyoid muscle in young lean and aged...
Journal Articles
Journal Articles
Journal: Respiration
Respiration (2010) 80 (2): 106–111.
Published Online: 06 October 2009
...Michael Dreher; Hans-Joachim Kabitz; Verena Burgardt; Stephan Walterspacher; Wolfram Windisch Background: Exercise capacity is reduced in obese patients due to disadvantageous respiratory mechanics that lead to dyspnea. Proportional assist ventilation (PAV) has the potential to unload resistive...
Journal Articles
Journal: Respiration
Respiration (2009) 78 (1): 5–17.
Published Online: 08 July 2009
... with phenotyping, its genetic basis has been difficult to elucidate. Despite this, limited progress has been made in considering the genetic basis of the ‘intermediate phenotypes’ of OSAHS such as craniofacial structure and upper airway control. Obesity is a risk factor for the development of OSAHS. The genetics...
Journal Articles
Journal Articles
Journal: Respiration
Respiration (1988) 54 (2): 73–77.
Published Online: 20 January 2009
...Thomas M. Kelly; Robert L. Jensen; Gregory Elliott; Robert O. Crapo Maximum inspiratory and expiratory pressures were measured at residual volume, total lung capacity, and functional residual capacity in 45 morbidly obese patients who on average weighed 183% of their predicted weights...
Journal Articles
Journal: Respiration
Respiration (1991) 58 (5-6): 311–315.
Published Online: 20 January 2009
...Alberto Salvadori; Paolo Fanari; Roberto Cavestri; Paola Mazza; Silvia Baudo; Erminio Longhini Eleven obese patients, 5 males; age: 17–42; body mass index (BMI): 40; % of ideal weight: 187%, and 10 normal subjects (5 males; age: 19–39; BMI: 22; % of ideal weight: 103%), both groups without heart...
Journal Articles
Journal: Respiration
Respiration (1993) 60 (3): 162–169.
Published Online: 20 January 2009
..., young people and in a group of young obese subjects. RSB was present in normal subjects after a work load which required a maximal O 2 consumption near the theoretical value (93% in our cases) and was not present in obese patients probably because neither inspiratory muscle fatigue, nor pulmonary...
Journal Articles
Journal Articles
Journal: Respiration
Respiration (2009) 77 (1): 85–90.
Published Online: 22 October 2008
... apnea syndrome (OSAS). Objectives: In this study we investigated if OSAS influences CV function independently of other CV risk factors frequently present in these patients (e.g. obesity, high blood pressure). Methods: We compared plasma markers of endothelial dysfunction, asymmetric dimethylarginine...
Journal Articles
Journal: Respiration
Respiration (2008) 76 (3): 324–330.
Published Online: 19 May 2008
... levels independent of obesity in our study group. We also investigated the association between plasma adiponectin, plasma tumor necrosis factor-α (TNF-α), obesity, cardiovascular disease (CVD) and OSAS. Methods: The patients were classified into controls or OSAS patients according to the apnea-hypopnea...
Journal Articles
Journal Articles
Journal: Respiration
Respiration (2008) 75 (3): 265–271.
Published Online: 07 March 2007
... further increase the risk of developing OSAH in obese diabetics. Methods: Eighteen obese diabetic patients, 8 with DAN [age 57 ± 5 years, body mass index (BMI) 35 ± 4] and 10 without DAN (age 56 ± 8 years, BMI 37 ± 5), were recruited. Ten age-matched obese subjects were studied as controls (age 53 ± 12...
Journal Articles
Journal Articles
Journal: Respiration
Respiration (2008) 75 (1): 26–33.
Published Online: 16 November 2006
...Alberto Salvadori; Paolo Fanari; Ilaria Tovaglieri; Emanuela Giacomotti; Ferruccio Nibbio; Fabiola Belardi; Erminio Longhini Background: In obesity, the addition of mass loading of the chest wall by adipose tissue decreases compliance, but its ventilation does not seem to be a limiting factor...