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Keywords: Altitude
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Journal Articles
Journal: Respiration
Respiration (2019) 97 (2): 125–134.
Published Online: 28 September 2018
... to altitude have not been assessed despite an increasing prevalence of the disease. Objectives: We hypothesized that pulmonary artery pressure (PAP) significantly increases and cardiac function deteriorates during exposure to hypobaric hypoxia as encountered by traveling to moderate altitude or air flight...
Journal Articles
Journal: Respiration
Respiration (2018) 95 (6): 422–432.
Published Online: 02 March 2018
...Michael Furian; Sara E. Hartmann; Tsogyal D. Latshang; Deborah Flueck; Christian Murer; Philipp M. Scheiwiller; Batyr Osmonov; Silvia Ulrich; Malcolm Kohler; Marc J. Poulin; Konrad E. Bloch Background: Effects of hypobaric hypoxia at altitude on exercise performance of lowlanders with chronic...
Journal Articles
Journal: Respiration
Respiration (2016) 91 (2): 164–170.
Published Online: 13 January 2016
.... Altitude Cardiac output Exercise Pulmonary diffusing capacity Type 1 diabetes mellitus National Institutes of Health (NIH) 10.13039/100000002 The American Diabetes Association recommends that people with type 1 diabetes (T1D) engage in physical activity [ 1,2 ]. It is unclear whether...
Journal Articles
Journal: Respiration
Respiration (2012) 84 (3): 207–211.
Published Online: 21 March 2012
...Shmuel Goldberg; Eadit Buhbut; Francis B. Mimouni; Leon Joseph; Elie Picard Background: Arterial hemoglobin oxygen saturation (Sa O 2 ) decreases at an altitude of >1,500 m. There are no reports on normal Sa O 2 at altitudes between 0 and 1,500 m. The clinical significance of decreased Sa O 2...
Journal Articles
Journal: Respiration
Respiration (1997) 64 (6): 429–434.
Published Online: 21 January 2009
...Robert Naeije Hypoxia constricts the pulmonary vessels. An increase in pulmonary vascular resistance is seen in normal subjects during hypoxic breathing at sea level, in acclimatized lowlanders and in high-altitude natives. Hypoxic pulmonary hypertension in all these circumstances is most generally...
Journal Articles
Journal: Respiration
Respiration (1984) 45 (3): 169–174.
Published Online: 15 January 2009
...Kevin J. Greenlees; Alan Tucker Male Sprague-Dawley rats were exposed to 6, 3 or 1 h of simulated high altitude (380 Torr). The isolated perfused lung of each animal was challenged with 4 sequential periods of hypoxia, angiotensin II (All), and 5-hydroxytryptamine (5-HT) following altitude exposure...
Journal Articles
Journal: Respiration
Respiration (1974) 31 (1): 7–20.
Published Online: 14 January 2009
...B. Hartmann; M. Unger; M. Debelić; P. Hilpert In 49 patients with obstructive airways disease and 15 normal subjects O 2 and CO 2 tension in arterial blood, vital capacity, maximal midexpiratory flow rate and forced expiratory volume were studied at 524, 1,600, and 2,844 m altitude...
Journal Articles
Journal: Respiration
Respiration (1979) 37 (2): 109–113.
Published Online: 14 January 2009
...S.K. Kwatra; R. Viswanathan Furosemide which is claimed to prevent acute mountain sickness and pulmonary oedema of high altitude was tried in experimental animals to evaluate its usefulness or otherwise as a measure of prophylaxis. 90 mice, 128 rats and 44 guinea pigs – all males – were used...
Journal Articles
Journal Articles
Journal: Respiration
Respiration (2001) 68 (6): 584–589.
Published Online: 21 December 2001
...Juan-Carlos Vázquez; Rogelio Pérez-Padilla Objective: To investigate the impact of oxygen on sleep and breathing in patients with interstitial lung disease (ILD) in Mexico City, at 2,240 m of altitude. Participants: Nineteen ILD patients with a mean FVC of 58 ± 17% pred. (SD) and a mean PaO 2 of 51...