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Keywords: Airway stenosis
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Journal Articles
Journal: Respiration
Respiration (2023) 102 (6): 439–448.
Published Online: 26 June 2023
...Liangyuan Li; Xinyuan Zhang; Jingyu Shi; Yu Chen; Huajing Wan; Felix J. Herth; Fengming Luo Airway stent insertion is important for patients with airway stenosis. Currently, the most widely used airway stents in clinical procedures are silicone and metallic stents, which offer patients effective...
Journal Articles
Journal: Respiration
Respiration (2022) 101 (10): 925–930.
Published Online: 25 July 2022
...Masahide Oki; Hiroshi Handa; Hideo Saka; Yoshihito Kogure; Hideyuki Niwa; Arisa Yamada; Atsushi Torii; Masahiko Ando; Masamichi Mineshita Background: Airway stenting is a useful form of palliation for patients with airway stenosis/fistulas; the stent can be removed after addressing the cause...
Journal Articles
Journal: Respiration
Respiration (2018) 95 (2): 106–113.
Published Online: 12 February 2018
..., instructions or products referred to in the content or advertisements. 2017 Airway stenosis Dyspnea Flow limitation Phase shift Pressure-pressure curve Site of maximal obstruction In patients with severe malignant airway stenosis, interventional bronchoscopy is considered as a method...
Journal Articles
Journal: Respiration
Respiration (2018) 95 (1): 63–69.
Published Online: 28 October 2017
... responsibility for any injury to persons or property resulting from any ideas, methods, instructions or products referred to in the content or advertisements. Bronchoscopy Tracheal stenosis Airway stenosis Computer-assisted analysis Central airway obstruction (CAO) is a clinical condition...
Journal Articles
Journal: Respiration
Respiration (2016) 92 (5): 329–338.
Published Online: 28 September 2016
...Lingling Hong; Yiming Zeng; Dongyong Yang Background: Recurrent airway granulation hyperplasia and scar formation make airway stenosis a clinical challenge. Therefore, a new approach for the treatment of airway stenosis is necessary. Objective: To explore the inhibitory effect of β-elemene...
Journal Articles
Journal: Respiration
Respiration (2015) 90 (6): 493–498.
Published Online: 23 October 2015
..., efficacy and safety of a stenting technique using a silicone Y-stent for patients with airway stenosis around LC2. Methods: Patients who underwent airway stent placement between December 2010 and September 2014 in a single center were retrospectively reviewed. Under general anesthesia, using rigid...
Journal Articles
Journal: Respiration
Respiration (2012) 83 (3): 245–252.
Published Online: 15 February 2012
... accessible in order to review symptoms, indications for treatment and lung function data, in more detail. A combination of clinical symptoms consistent with airway obstruction, deteriorating lung function and endoscopic confirmation of airway stenosis (central airway calibre visually assessed...
Journal Articles