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Journal Name Change
Vol. 1-12 (1944-1955) were published under the journal's founding title Schweizerische Zeitschrift für Tuberkulose, Vol. 13-18 (1956-1961) under its former title Schweizerische Zeitschrift für Tuberkulose und Pneumologie and Vol. 19-24 (1962-1967) as Medicina Thoracalis.
Respiration 2012, Vol. 83, No. 1
Editor’s Note
Thematic Review Series 2012
Pleural Diseases in the Molecular Era – Time for More Answers: Introduction
Respiration (2012) 83 (1): 2–4.
Mechanisms of Pleural Involvement in Orphan Diseases
Respiration (2012) 83 (1): 5–12.
The Challenge of Acute Exacerbation of Pulmonary Fibrosis
Respiration (2012) 83 (1): 13–16.
Clinical Investigations
Clinical Features and Outcome of Acute Exacerbation of Interstitial Pneumonia: Collagen Vascular Diseases-Related versus Idiopathic
Ryo Tachikawa; Keisuke Tomii; Hiroyuki Ueda; Kazuma Nagata; Shigeki Nanjo; Ayako Sakurai; Kyoko Otsuka; Reiko Kaji; Michio Hayashi; Nobuyuki Katakami; Yukihiro Imai
Respiration (2012) 83 (1): 20–27.
Acute Exacerbation of Idiopathic Pulmonary Fibrosis: Outcome and Prognostic Factors
Virginie Simon-Blancal; Olivia Freynet; Hilario Nunes; Diane Bouvry; Nicolas Naggara; Pierre-Yves Brillet; Damien Denis; Yves Cohen; François Vincent; Dominique Valeyre; Jean-Marc Naccache
Respiration (2012) 83 (1): 28–35.
Profiling of Sputum Inflammatory Mediators in Asthma and Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease
M. Bafadhel; M. McCormick; S. Saha; S. McKenna; M. Shelley; B. Hargadon; V. Mistry; C. Reid; D. Parker; P. Dodson; M. Jenkins; A. Lloyd; P. Rugman; Paul Newbold; C.E. Brightling
Respiration (2012) 83 (1): 36–44.
Interventional Pulmonology
Basic Science Investigations
Pulmonary Haptoglobin and CD163 Are Functional Immunoregulatory Elements in the Human Lung
M. Abdullah; D. Kähler; C. Vock; N. Reiling; C. Kugler; D. Drömann; J. Rupp; H.P. Hauber; H. Fehrenbach; P. Zabel; E. Vollmer; K. Dalhoff; T. Goldmann
Respiration (2012) 83 (1): 61–73.
The Role of Bone Marrow-Derived Adult Stem Cells in a Transgenic Mouse Model of Allergic Asthma
Respiration (2012) 83 (1): 74–80.
The Eye Catcher
Hypertrophied Bronchial Artery as a Cause of Bleeding after Transbronchial Needle Aspiration
Respiration (2012) 83 (1): 81–82.
Novel Insights from Clinical Practice
Letter to the Editor
Further Section
Schweizerische Gesellschaft für Pneumologie Société Suisse de Pneumologie
Respiration (2012) 83 (1): 88–89.