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July – August 2004
ISSN 0025-7931
EISSN 1423-0356
Journal Name Change
Vol. 1-12 (1944-1955) were published under the journal's founding title Schweizerische Zeitschrift für Tuberkulose, Vol. 13-18 (1956-1961) under its former title Schweizerische Zeitschrift für Tuberkulose und Pneumologie and Vol. 19-24 (1962-1967) as Medicina Thoracalis.
Respiration 2004, Vol. 71, No. 4
Thematic Review Series
Interstitial Lung Disease Induced by Drugs and Radiation
Respiration (2004) 71 (4): 301–326.
Is There a Place for Intraluminal Bronchoscopic Treatment of T1N0 Lung Cancer?
Respiration (2004) 71 (4): 327–328.
Clinical Investigations
Correlations between Exhaled Nitric Oxide Levels and pH-Metry Data in Asthmatics with Gastro-Oesophageal Reflux
Respiration (2004) 71 (4): 329–335.
Occupational Asthma in the Furniture Industry: Is It Due to Styrene?
Respiration (2004) 71 (4): 336–341.
Long-Term Oxygen Therapy Stops the Natural Decline of Endurance in COPD Patients with Reversible Hypercapnia
Respiration (2004) 71 (4): 342–347.
A Normal FEV1/VC Ratio Does Not Exclude Airway Obstruction
Respiration (2004) 71 (4): 348–352.
Incomplete Forced Expiration – Estimating Vital Capacity by a Mathematical Method
Respiration (2004) 71 (4): 353–359.
Clinical Significance of Daytime Plasma Orexin-A-Like Immunoreactivity Concentrations in Patients with Obstructive Sleep Apnea Hypopnea Syndrome
Shigeru Sakurai; Tsuguo Nishijima; Susumu Takahashi; Kohei Yamauchi; Zenei Arihara; Kazuhiro Takahashi
Respiration (2004) 71 (4): 380–384.
Comparison of Nasal Prong Pressure and Thermistor Measurements for Detecting Respiratory Events during Sleep
Respiration (2004) 71 (4): 385–390.
Interventional Pulmonology
Cost-Effectiveness of Early Intervention: Comparison between Intraluminal Bronchoscopic Treatment and Surgical Resection for T1N₀ Lung Cancer Patients
Arifa Pasic; Hes A.P. Brokx; Anton Vonk Noordegraaf; Rick M.A. Paul; Pieter E. Postmus; Tom G. Sutedja
Respiration (2004) 71 (4): 391–396.
Hemodynamic Effects of Endobronchial Application of Ornipressin versus Terlipressin
Respiration (2004) 71 (4): 397–401.
Basic Science Investigations
Exposure of Differentiated Airway Epithelial Cells to Volatile Smoke in vitro
Respiration (2004) 71 (4): 402–409.
The Eye Catcher
Case Report
Bronchocentric Granulomatosis Associated with Influenza-A Virus Infection
Respiration (2004) 71 (4): 412–416.
Primary Malignant Lymphoma in the Posterior Mediastinum
Akemi Takamizawa; Tomonobu Koizumi; Keisaku Fujimoto; Keishi Kubo; Yuichirou Maruyama; Satoshi Kawakami; Takayuki Honda
Respiration (2004) 71 (4): 417–420.
What Is Your Diagnosis?
A 22-Year-Old Woman with Pleural Effusion
Respiration (2004) 71 (4): 424–427.
Further Section
Letter to the Editor
Recurrent Pulmonary Embolism in a Patientw ith Asthma
A. Divac; V. Djordjevic; D. Jovanovic; P. Miljic; L.J. Nagorni-Obradovic; A. Nikolic; L.J. Rakicevic; D. Radojkovic
Respiration (2004) 71 (4): 428.