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November – December 2002
ISSN 0025-7931
EISSN 1423-0356
Journal Name Change
Vol. 1-12 (1944-1955) were published under the journal's founding title Schweizerische Zeitschrift für Tuberkulose, Vol. 13-18 (1956-1961) under its former title Schweizerische Zeitschrift für Tuberkulose und Pneumologie and Vol. 19-24 (1962-1967) as Medicina Thoracalis.
Respiration 2002, Vol. 69, No. 6
Thematic Review Series
Smoking Reduction for Smokers Not Able or Motivated to Quit?
Respiration (2002) 69 (6): 475–478.
Modern Pulmonary Function Testing Increases the Number of Candidates for Lung Resection
Respiration (2002) 69 (6): 479.
Therapeutic Strategy for Asthma: NO Body is Perfect
Respiration (2002) 69 (6): 480–481.
Clinical Investigations
Prediction of Functional Reserves after Lung Resection: Comparison between Quantitative Computed Tomography, Scintigraphy, and Anatomy
Chris T. Bolliger; Claudius Gückel; Hermann Engel; Susanne Stöhr; Christoph P. Wyser; Andreas Schoetzau; James Habicht; Markus Solèr; Michael Tamm; André P. Perruchoud
Respiration (2002) 69 (6): 482–489.
Nitrogen Oxides Reduce Albuterol-Induced Bronchodilation in Patients with Bronchial Asthma
Respiration (2002) 69 (6): 490–495.
Measures of Perception of Bronchoconstriction and Clinical and Functional Data Are Not Interrelated in Asthma
Respiration (2002) 69 (6): 496–501.
Comparison of the Protective Effect of Formoterol and of Salmeterol against Exercise-Induced Bronchospasm when Given Immediately before a Cycloergometric Test
Marcello Ferrari; Carlo Segattini; Roberto Zanon; Mariano Bertaiola; Filippo Balestreri; Emanuele Brotto; Vincenzo Lo Cascio
Respiration (2002) 69 (6): 509–512.
Change in Generic and Disease-Specific Health-Related Quality of Life during a One-Year Period in Patients with Newly Detected Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease
Mitsuhiro Tsukino; Koichi Nishimura; Stephen P. McKenna; Akihiko Ikeda; Takashi Hajiro; Min Zhang; Takateru Izumi
Respiration (2002) 69 (6): 513–520.
Invasive Pulmonary Aspergillosis
Respiration (2002) 69 (6): 521–525.
Basic Science Investigations
Expression of von Willebrand Factor by Human Pulmonary Endothelial Cells in vivo
Respiration (2002) 69 (6): 526–533.
Effect of Ammonia on in vitro Diaphragmatic Contractility, Fatigue and Recovery
Respiration (2002) 69 (6): 534–541.
Eye Catcher
Thoracoscopic View of Subcutaneous and Subpleural Emphysema
Respiration (2002) 69 (6): 542.
Case Report
Mycobacterium avium Complex Pleuritis
Katsunori Yanagihara; Kazunori Tomono; Toyomitsu Sawai; Yoshitsugu Miyazaki; Yoichi Hirakata; Jun-Ichi Kadota; Shigeru Kohno
Respiration (2002) 69 (6): 547–549.
Perfusion and Ventilation Isotope Lung Scans in Constrictive Bronchiolitis obliterans: A Series of Three Cases
Yoshinori Hasegawa; Kazuyoshi Imaizumi; Yoshitaka Sekido; Yoshitsugu Iinuma; Tsutomu Kawabe; Naozumi Hashimoto; Kaoru Shimokata
Respiration (2002) 69 (6): 550–555.
Increased Pleural Fluid Adenosine Deaminase in Brucellosis Is Difficult to Differentiate from Tuberculosis
Topic Article Package:
Topic Article Package: Tuberculosis and Respiratory System 2019
Respiration (2002) 69 (6): 556–559.
What Is Your Diagnosis?
Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome in a Lung Transplant Recipient Infected by a pUL97-Mutated Cytomegalovirus Associated with Decreased Phosphorylation of Ganciclovir
Topic Article Package:
Topic Article Package: Tuberculosis and Respiratory System 2019
Respiration (2002) 69 (6): 564–568.
Letter to the Editor
Further Section
Acknowledgement to the Referees
Respiration (2002) 69 (6): 570–571.