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Keywords: Self-experience
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Journal Articles
Psychopathology (2020) 52 (5): 294–303.
Published Online: 12 November 2019
...Jérôme Englebert; François Monville; Caroline Valentiny; Françoise Mossay; Elizabeth Pienkos; Louis Sass The aim of this paper was to study anomalies of self- and world experience in schizophrenia from a phenomenological perspective through the use of the Examination of Anomalous Self-Experience...
Journal Articles
Journal Articles
Psychopathology (2010) 43 (2): 96–103.
Published Online: 09 January 2010
..., the internet, X-rays and lasers. Methods: In this paper, we describe 3 cases of patients with disorders of self-experience and schizophrenic delusions involving a controlling technical device. We also analyse case reports from historical and modern psychiatric literature which describe ‘influencing machines...