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Keywords: Functional magnetic resonance imaging
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Journal Articles
Psychopathology (2014) 47 (6): 394–407.
Published Online: 30 September 2014
... (HCs) observed goal-related actions in either a neutral or emotional context during functional magnetic resonance imaging scanning. Results: Observation of neutral action elicited a lower activity in the frontoparietal network in SCZ patients, as compared to HCs. Particularly, activation in the left...
Journal Articles
Journal Articles
Psychopathology (2006) 39 (3): 144–152.
Published Online: 31 March 2006
... in the functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) environment by challenging subjects to tell attachment stories to specific attachment pictures from the Adult Attachment Projective (AAP) while being scanned. We investigated theoretically derived hypotheses regarding predicted differences in the brain activation...