125 Years of Psychopathology
Check out the Editors-in-Chief selection of highlighted papers.

The year 2022 marks the 125th anniversary of Psychopathology and we wish to celebrate with you. To mark this occasion, we want to share with you a selection of articles – selected by the Editors-in-Chief, Thomas Fuchs, Sabine C. Herpertz, Michael Kaess, and Mark F. Lenzenweger.
125 Years of Psychopathology
In 2022 we proudly celebrate the 125th anniversary of Karger’s Psychopathology, a journal which has had a rich history.
In 1897 Samuel Karger launched the fourth Karger’s journal, Monatsschrift für Psychiatrie und Neurologie, with German doctors C. Wernicke and T. Ziehen. Published in German, the focus of this journal was the study of nerves and mental illness. Over the course of the next seven decades the Monatsschrift reflected research questions of its day in both psychiatry and neurology. From the late 1930s it accepted English- and French-language contributions, changing its name to Psychatria et Neurologia in 1957. By the late 1960s, psychiatry and neurology were becoming increasingly distinct subject areas and Psychiatria et Neurologia was divided in two journals Psychiatria Clinica and European Neurology with some overlap in editorship. By 1984, the field of psychiatry had grown dramatically and the journal, once more, adapted. Under a new title the journal concentrated on Psychopathology: International Journal of Descriptive Psychopathology, Phenomenology and Clinical Diagnostics. From the beginning of the 21st century the journal aimed to reflect the re-approachment between experimental neurosciences, philosophy and psychodynamic approaches. Subsequent editors spoke of the journal’s long dedication to the clinical method and highlighted the journal’s function as a platform for intensive interdisciplinary exchange. Nowadays it highlights four main subjects in its field:
- Phenomenological Psychopathology led by Prof. Thomas Fuchs (Heidelberg)
- Experimental Psychopathology, led by Prof. Mark F. Lenzenweger (Binghamton, N.Y.)
- Neuropsychology and Neuroscience, led by Prof. Sabine C. Herpertz (Heidelberg)
- Developmental Psychopathology and Youth Mental Health, led by Prof. Michael Kaess (Bern/Heidelberg)
For this anniversary each Editor-in-Chief has selected key articles from these four main subjects to illustrate the breath of the journal.
In 2020 and 2021, Psychopathology thus published over 80 articles with authors affiliated with medical education institutions and practice organizations from 23 countries in 5 continents.
We would like to acknowledge the work and dedication of past and current authors, editors and board members, without whom the journal would not be able to grow and evolve unto what it is today. We are especially thankful to our current Editors-in-Chief, editorial assistant, board members, and reviewers, who guide or otherwise contribute to the journal consistently and dedicatedly. We look forward to your continued support to provide relevant and impactful research to readers interested in psychopathology all over the world.
Gabriella Karger
Chairwoman and Publisher
Check Out the Selected Articles
Phenomenological Psychopathology
Boredom in Borderline Personality Disorder: A Lost Criterion Reconsidered
Masland S.R. · Shah T.V. · Choi-Kain L.W.
Psychopathology 2020;53:239–253 (DOI:10.1159/000511312) -
Imagination and Self-disorders in Schizophrenia: A Review
Gozé T. · Fazakas I.
Psychopathology 2020;53:264–273 (DOI:10.1159/000509488) -
Anhedonia in Depressive Disorder: A Narrative Review
De Fruyt J. · Sapsp B. · Demyttenaere K.
Psychopathology 2020;53:274–281 (DOI:10.1159/000508773) -
Toward a Phenomenological Psychotherapy for Schizophrenia
Škodlar B. · Henriksen M.G.
Psychopathology 2019;52:117–125 (DOI:10.1159/000500163) -
The Two Faces of First-Rank Symptoms
Picardi A.
Psychopathology 2019;52:221–231 (DOI:10.1159/000503152)
Experimental Psychopathology
Bodily Self-Disturbances in Schizophrenia A Comparative Study of South Korea and the U.S.A
Lee H.-S. · Griffith T. · Park S.
Psychopathology 2021;54:262–273 (DOI:10.1159/000517933) -
Disordered Selfhood in Schizophrenia and the Examination of Anomalous Self-Experience: Accumulated Evidence and Experience
Nordgaard, J. · Henriksen, M.G. · Jansson, L. · Handest, P. · Moller, P. · Rasmussen, A.R. · Sandsten, K.E. · Nilsson, L.S. · Zandersen, M. · Zahavi, D. · Parnas, J.
Psychopathology 2021;54:275–281 (DOI:10.1159/000517672) -
Moving Beyond Ordinary Factor Analysis in Studies of Personality and Personality Disorder: A Computational Modeling Perspective
Haines N. · Beauchaine T.P.
Psychopathology 2020;53:157–167 (DOI:10.1159/000508539)
Neuropsychology and Neuroscience
Uncertainty Promotes Neuroreductionism: A Behavioral Online Study on Folk Psychological Causal Inference from Neuroimaging Data
Carmon J. · Bammel M. · Brugger P. · Lenggenhager B.
Psychopathology 2021;54:298–304 (DOI:10.1159/000518476) -
Early Detection of the Risk of Developing Psychiatric Disorders: A Study of 461 Chinese University Students under Chronic Stress
Zhang M. · Bridler R. · Mohr C. · Moragrega I. · Sun N. · Xu Z. · Yang Z. · Possenti M. · Stassen H.H.
Psychopathology 2019;52:367–377 (DOI:10.1159/000505787)
Developmental Psychopathology and Youth Mental Health
Multidirectional Pathways between Attachment, Mentalizing, and Posttraumatic Stress Symptomatology in the Context of Childhood Trauma
Huang Y.L. · Fonagy P. · Feigenbaum J. · Montague P.R. · Nolte T. · and London Personality and Mood Disorder Research Consortium
Psychopathology 2020;53:48–58 (DOI:10.1159/000506406) -
The Lived Experience of First-Episode Psychosis: a Systematic Review and Metasynthesis of Qualitative Studies
Noiriel A. · Verneuil L. · Osmond I. · Manolios E. · Revah-Levy A. · Sibeoni J.
Psychopathology 2020;53:223–238 (DOI:10.1159/000510865)