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August 2020
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ISSN 0254-4962
EISSN 1423-033X
In this Issue
Journal Name Change
Vol. 1-16 (1968-1983) were published under the journal's former title Psychiatria Clinica. Please see the back volumes list of European Neurology for access to Vol. 1-133 (1897-1957) which were published under Monatsschrift für Psychiatrie und Neurologie and Vol. 134-154 (1957-1967) under Psychiatria et Neurologia.
Psychopathology 2020, Vol. 53, No. 2
Publisher's Note
Publisher's Note
Subject Area:
Psychiatry and Psychology
Psychopathology (2020) 53 (2): 59.
Research Article
Making Meaning Together: Embodied Narratives in a Case of Severe Autism
Subject Area:
Psychiatry and Psychology
Psychopathology (2020) 53 (2): 60–73.
Abnormal Bodily Phenomena in First Episode Psychosis: A Preliminary Exploratory Cohort Study
Subject Area:
Psychiatry and Psychology
Frank Röhricht; Savitha Eranti; Massimo Ballerini; Milena Mancini; Josephine Neale; Athanasios Tsoumpris; Giovanni Stanghellini
Psychopathology (2020) 53 (2): 74–83.
Intact Classical Fear Conditioning to Interpersonally Threatening Stimuli in Borderline Personality Disorder
Subject Area:
Psychiatry and Psychology
Karen Hillmann; Falk Mancke; Sabine C. Herpertz; Martin Jungkunz; Andreas Olsson; Jan Haaker; Katja Bertsch
Psychopathology (2020) 53 (2): 84–94.
Anxiety Mediates the Relationship between Psychotic-Like Experiences and Social Functioning in the General Population
Subject Area:
Psychiatry and Psychology
Psychopathology (2020) 53 (2): 95–102.
Associations between Self-Disorders and First-Rank Symptoms: An Empirical Study
Subject Area:
Psychiatry and Psychology
Psychopathology (2020) 53 (2): 103–110.
The Hoarding Phenomenon in Schizophrenia Spectrum Disorders
Subject Area:
Psychiatry and Psychology
Psychopathology (2020) 53 (2): 111–118.