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June 2013
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ISSN 0254-4962
EISSN 1423-033X
In this Issue
Journal Name Change
Vol. 1-16 (1968-1983) were published under the journal's former title Psychiatria Clinica. Please see the back volumes list of European Neurology for access to Vol. 1-133 (1897-1957) which were published under Monatsschrift für Psychiatrie und Neurologie and Vol. 134-154 (1957-1967) under Psychiatria et Neurologia.
Psychopathology 2013, Vol. 46, No. 4
Original Paper
The DSM-5 Personality Disorder Proposal and Future Directions in the Diagnostic Classification of Personality Disorder
Subject Area:
Psychiatry and Psychology
Psychopathology (2013) 46 (4): 207–216.
Enhanced Detection of Emotional Facial Expressions in Borderline Personality Disorder
Subject Area:
Psychiatry and Psychology
Psychopathology (2013) 46 (4): 217–224.
Head Position and Expressed Emotion of Adolescents with Schizophrenia and Their Caregivers Compared to Non-Patient Controls
Subject Area:
Psychiatry and Psychology
Psychopathology (2013) 46 (4): 225–232.
Communication about Psychotic Symptoms in Long-Term Psychiatric Illness
Subject Area:
Psychiatry and Psychology
Psychopathology (2013) 46 (4): 233–240.
Negative Symptoms and Executive Function in Schizophrenia: Does Their Relationship Change with Illness Duration?
Subject Area:
Psychiatry and Psychology
Alexandra Bagney; Roberto Rodriguez-Jimenez; Isabel Martinez-Gras; Eva Maria Sanchez-Morla; Jose Luis Santos; Miguel Angel Jimenez-Arriero; Antonio Lobo; Patrick D. McGorry; Tomas Palomo; PARG
Psychopathology (2013) 46 (4): 241–248.
Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy for Schizophrenia: A Critical Evaluation of Its Theoretical Framework from a Clinical-Phenomenological Perspective
Subject Area:
Psychiatry and Psychology
Psychopathology (2013) 46 (4): 249–265.
Goethe's Anxieties, Depressive Episodes and (Self-)Therapeutic Strategies: A Contribution to Method Integration in Psychotherapy
Subject Area:
Psychiatry and Psychology
Psychopathology (2013) 46 (4): 266–274.