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July 2011
ISSN 0254-4962
EISSN 1423-033X
In this Issue
Journal Name Change
Vol. 1-16 (1968-1983) were published under the journal's former title Psychiatria Clinica. Please see the back volumes list of European Neurology for access to Vol. 1-133 (1897-1957) which were published under Monatsschrift für Psychiatrie und Neurologie and Vol. 134-154 (1957-1967) under Psychiatria et Neurologia.
Psychopathology 2011, Vol. 44, No. 5
Are Stalkers Disordered or Criminal? Thoughts on the Psychopathology of Stalking
Subject Area:
Psychiatry and Psychology
Psychopathology (2011) 44 (5): 277–282.
Original Paper
Magical Thinking in Somatoform Disorders: An Exploratory Study among Patients with Suspected Allergies
Subject Area:
Psychiatry and Psychology
Psychopathology (2011) 44 (5): 283–288.
Anxiety and Depression in Cardiac Patients: Age Differences and Comparisons with the General Population
Subject Area:
Psychiatry and Psychology
Psychopathology (2011) 44 (5): 289–295.
Bipolar Mood Disorder, Creativity and Schizotypy: An Experimental Study
Subject Area:
Psychiatry and Psychology
Psychopathology (2011) 44 (5): 296–302.
Combining Self-Defeating and Depressive Personality Symptoms into One Construct
Subject Area:
Psychiatry and Psychology
Psychopathology (2011) 44 (5): 303–313.
Art Therapy May Reduce Psychopathology in Schizophrenia by Strengthening the Patients’ Sense of Self: A Qualitative Extended Case Report
Subject Area:
Psychiatry and Psychology
Psychopathology (2011) 44 (5): 314–318.
Further Section
Subject Area:
Psychiatry and Psychology
Psychopathology (2011) 44 (5): 319.
Original Paper
Ego Disturbances in the Sense of Kurt Schneider: Historical and Phenomenological Aspects
Subject Area:
Psychiatry and Psychology
Psychopathology (2011) 44 (5): 320–328.
Maternal Rejection of the Young Child: Present Status of the Clinical Syndrome
Subject Area:
Psychiatry and Psychology
Psychopathology (2011) 44 (5): 329–336.
Case Report
Treatment of Alice in Wonderland Syndrome and Verbal Auditory Hallucinations Using Repetitive Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation: A Case Report with fMRI Findings
Subject Area:
Psychiatry and Psychology
Jan Dirk Blom; Jasper Looijestijn; Rutger Goekoop; Kelly M.J. Diederen; Anne-Marije Rijkaart; Christina W. Slotema; Iris E.C. Sommer
Psychopathology (2011) 44 (5): 337–344.