Background/Aims: Although the very idea that the generative disorder in schizophrenia is a disturbance of the self is as old as the schizophrenia concept itself, empirical studies have only recently emerged, documenting that anomalous self-experiences (i.e. self-disorders, SDs) aggregate in schizophrenia spectrum disorders but not in other mental disorders. The aim of this study is to explore potential associations between SDs, neurocognitive performance, rationality and IQ in patients with schizophrenia. Methods: The sample comprises 31 patients diagnosed with schizophrenia (DSM-IV). All patients underwent comprehensive evaluation. SDs were assessed with the Examination of Anomalous Self-Experience scale. Neurocognitive performance was measured with 4 PC-implemented subtests from the Cambridge Neuropsychological Test Automated Battery. Rationality was measured using syllogism tests. The IQ was indexed by a summary score of 4 IST-2000-R computerized subtests. Results: No correlation was found between SDs and neurocognitive performance or between SDs and IQ. SDs were found to correlate with rationality. Neurocognitive performance correlated with rationality, and both correlated with IQ, respectively. Conclusions: The lack of correlation between SDs and neurocognitive performance is consistent with the results from the only previous study exploring this issue, suggesting that SDs depict something essential to schizophrenia, whereas neurocognitive impairment does not. The correlation between SDs and rationality indicates that the syllogism tests reflect something central for schizophrenia, but the result needs further corroboration from larger, empirical studies.

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