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Keywords: Functional dyspepsia
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Journal Articles
Journal Articles
Journal Articles
Psychother Psychosom (2000) 69 (4): 198–204.
Published Online: 13 June 2000
...(s) disclaim responsibility for any injury to persons or property resulting from any ideas, methods, instructions or products referred to in the content or advertisements. Functional gastrointestinal disorders Irritable bowel syndrome Functional dyspepsia Somatization Diagnostic Criteria...
Journal Articles
Psychother Psychosom (1999) 68 (5): 263–269.
Published Online: 10 September 1999
..., 1994. 19. Kellner R: Psychosomatic Syndromes and Somatic Symptoms. Washington, American Psychiatric Press, 1991. 20. Mayou R: Somatization. Psychother Psychosom 1993;59:69–83. 21. Kutscher S-U, Holtmann G, Heuft G, Senf W, Goebell H: Somatization in functional dyspepsia and irritable bowel...
Journal Articles
Psychother Psychosom (1999) 68 (3): 151–156.
Published Online: 29 April 1999
...Bo H. Jonsson; Töres Theorell Background: The purpose was to compare the levels and patterns of plasma cortisol and prolactin in patients with functional dyspepsia (FD) during a controlled laboratory experiment. Method: 25 patients (12 men, 13 women), aged 24–50, with recurrent FD, and 25 pair-wise...