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Journal Articles
Psychother Psychosom (2010) 79 (5): 303–311.
Published Online: 28 July 2010
... 2009 3 09 2010 28 7 2010 Hemodialysis Alexithymia Depression Epidemiology Mortality Prognostic factors Patients with end-stage renal disease (ESRD) are at great risk for developing emotional disturbances due to the burden from illness, such as time constraints, diet...
Journal Articles
Journal Articles
Psychother Psychosom (1996) 65 (3): 117–123.
Published Online: 18 February 2010
..., instructions or products referred to in the content or advertisements. Pregnancy Depression Epidemiology Early experience Personality Affect Psychotherapy a n d PsychoSOrnatiCS Special Article PsychotherPsychosom 1996;65:117-123 T. Kitamuraa S. Shimab M. Sugawaraa M.A. Todac National Institute...
Journal Articles
Psychother Psychosom (2006) 75 (3): 170–176.
Published Online: 21 April 2006
... ], to identify persons with a psychotic disorder. (3) CAGE [ 14 ], as in the first study. Prevalence Psychiatric disorders Community survey Epidemiology The World Health Organisation (WHO) has recently conducted a comparative analysis of large-scale epidemiological community surveys that had...
Journal Articles
Psychother Psychosom (2005) 74 (5): 308–314.
Published Online: 10 August 2005
... ]. Paruresis Social anxiety Epidemiology The term ‘paruresis’ refers to a special form of social phobia, namely the inability to urinate in the (impending) presence of other people and the resulting avoidance of public rest rooms. This disorder was first labeled as ‘paruresis’ and described...
Journal Articles
Journal Articles
Psychother Psychosom (2005) 74 (4): 202–211.
Published Online: 07 June 2005
... of the literature on autodestructive behaviour, excluding psychotic, substance-induced or organic brain disorders. Starting out with a conceptual overview, the paper goes on to look into the epidemiology of autodestructive behaviour and the forms in which it manifests itself. Method: A literature search...
Journal Articles
Psychother Psychosom (2004) 73 (4): 235–242.
Published Online: 08 June 2004
... settings, are largely unknown. Although effects of the range of mental disorders on cancer treatment compliance and outcome are of inherent interest for the development of appropriate interventions for people with cancer, epidemiologic comorbidity in community-based populations remains under-recognized...
Journal Articles
Journal Articles
Journal Articles
Psychother Psychosom (2004) 73 (3): 158–165.
Published Online: 29 March 2004
..., instructions or products referred to in the content or advertisements. Panic attack Depression Epidemiology Comorbidity Risk Youth In the first stage of the analysis (table  1 ), Pearson’s χ 2 test was used to compare the rates of current major depression at the ages of 18 and 21 between...
Journal Articles
Psychother Psychosom (2003) 72 (1): 26–33.
Published Online: 16 December 2002
... or property resulting from any ideas, methods, instructions or products referred to in the content or advertisements. Bulimia Eating disorders Adolescence Impulsivity Dyscontrol behaviours Epidemiology Population study Bulimia nervosa is characterised by binge eating accompanied by a loss...
Journal Articles
Psychother Psychosom (2003) 72 (1): 10–15.
Published Online: 16 December 2002
... illnesses. This relationship was specific to neuroticism. Conclusions: These findings are consistent with and extend previous clinical and epidemiologic data by providing evidence of an independent association between neuroticism and PUD among adults in the general population. Future work investigating...
Journal Articles
Psychother Psychosom (2001) 70 (5): 247–253.
Published Online: 13 August 2001
..., instructions or products referred to in the content or advertisements. Alexithymia Depression Epidemiology Follow-up studies Population Prevalence In 1973, Sifneos [ 1 ]defined the term alexithymia as an inability to recognize and verbalize emotions or to communicate about emotions...