About the Journal

Aims and Scope

Published since 1953, Psychotherapy and Psychosomatics has progressively increased its reputation for independence, originality, and methodological rigor. It has anticipated and developed new lines of research concerned with psychosomatic medicine, psychotherapy research, and psychopharmacology. Ranking among the world’s most cited journals in the field now, Psychotherapy and Psychosomatics provides a unique forum for current and controversial issues and innovations in assessment and treatment. As the official journal of the International College of Psychosomatic Medicine and the World Federation for Psychotherapy, it is the home of cutting-edge thinking at the interface between medical and behavioral sciences, addressed to both practicing clinicians and researchers.

Journal Sections

Innovations: Both Review and Research articles which encompass original investigations breaking new grounds or novel conceptualizations of clinical issues. 

Clinical Notes: Abridged reports on clinical issues. They may be concerned with preliminary or pilot findings, secondary analyses of published trials, novel hypotheses. 

Article Types

Research Article

Research Articles report on primary research. They must describe significant and original observations. Consideration for publication is based on the article’s originality, novelty, and scientific soundness, and the appropriateness of its analysis.
Research Articles are reports of original work. Authors are asked to follow the EQUATOR Network for Research Articles.
Prior approval from an Institutional Review Board (IRB) or an Ethics Review Committee is required for all investigations involving human subjects.

A downloadable template is available below.


Clinical Notes (DOCX, 39 KB)

Innovations (DOCX, 39 KB)

Standard Research Article (DOCX, 39 KB)

Authors may wish to submit one of the following Research Articles:

Standard Research Articles: They should represent original research in clinical science and contain a 250-word structured abstract. Online supplementary material (information below) is permitted.

Innovations: Encompass both original investigations breaking new grounds or novel conceptualizations of clinical issues. They should have an abstract up to 250 words. Online supplementary material (information below) is permitted.

Clinical Notes: Abridged reports (no more than 2000 words of text and 3 Tables and/or Figures) on clinical issues. They may be concerned with preliminary or pilot findings, secondary analyses of published trials, novel hypotheses. An abstract of no more than 250 words is required.  Online supplementary material (information below) is permitted.

Review Article

Review Articles are considered reviews of research or summary articles. They are state-of-the-art papers covering a current topic by experts in the field. They should give evidence on and provide answers to a well-defined aspect or question in a particular area. Review Articles must include a critical discussion of the reported data and give a clear conclusion with potential impacts on the standard of care.

A downloadable template is available below.


Review Article (DOCX, 32 KB)

Innovations (DOCX, 32 KB)

Authors may wish to submit one of the following Review Articles:

Standard Review Articles: They are considered critical reviews of research or summary articles and should contain a 250-word unstructured abstract. Online supplementary material (information below) is permitted.

Innovations: Encompass both original investigations breaking new grounds or novel conceptualizations of clinical issues.

They should have an abstract up to 250 words.

Online supplementary material (information below) is permitted.

Systematic Review

Systematic Reviews are literature reviews focused on a research question that synthesizes all high-quality research evidence relevant to that question. Systematic Reviews should be presented in the Introduction, Methods, Results, Discussion format. The subject must be clearly defined. The objective of a Systematic Review should be to arrive at an evidence-based conclusion. The Methods section should give a clear indication of the literature search strategy, data extraction procedure, grading of evidence, and kind of analysis used. We strongly encourage authors to comply with the Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses (PRISMA) guidelines.

A downloadable template is available below.


Systematic Review (DOCX, 37 KB)

An abstract of no more than 250 words is required.


Editorials provide a viewpoint on specific articles or on general subjects directly relevant to the journal. Editorials are written by an editor or other member of the journal.

A downloadable template is available below. 


Editorial (DOCX, 34 KB)


Letters may explore subjects related to matters discussed in the journal, providing the author’s perspective on a subject. Letters may discuss a recently published article and may lend support or constructively critique the article in line with the author’s experience. The editors reserve the right to share such letters to the authors of the article concerned prior to publication in order to permit response, ideally in the same issue of the journal. Letters should not include original data.

A downloadable template is available below. 


Letter (DOCX, 33 KB)

Letters should not exceed 500 words of text plus a maximum of 10 references. Keywords and abstract are not required.

Contact Information

Should you have any problems with your submission, please contact the editorial office:

Editorial Office Psychotherapy and Psychosomatics
S. Karger AG
P.O. Box
CH-4009 Basel (Switzerland)