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January 2013
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ISSN 0033-3190
EISSN 1423-0348
In this Issue
Journal Name Change
Vol. 1-12 (1953-1964) were published under the journal's former title Acta Psychotherapeutica et Psychosomatica.
Psychotherapy and Psychosomatics 2013, Vol. 82, No. 2
The Concept of Mental Pain
Subject Area:
Psychiatry and Psychology
Psychother Psychosom (2013) 82 (2): 67–73.
Special Article
The Unifying Concept of Illness Behavior
Subject Area:
Psychiatry and Psychology
Psychother Psychosom (2013) 82 (2): 74–81.
Regular Article
Writing Therapy for Posttraumatic Stress: A Meta-Analysis
Subject Area:
Psychiatry and Psychology
Psychother Psychosom (2013) 82 (2): 82–88.
What Is the Best Sequential Treatment Strategy in the Treatment of Depression? Adding Pharmacotherapy to Psychotherapy or Vice Versa?
Subject Area:
Psychiatry and Psychology
Jack Dekker; Henricus L. Van; Mariëlle Hendriksen; Jurrijn Koelen; Robert A. Schoevers; S. Kool; G. van Aalst; Jaap Peen
Psychother Psychosom (2013) 82 (2): 89–98.
Attentional Bias Modification in Posttraumatic Stress Disorder: A Randomized Controlled Trial
Subject Area:
Psychiatry and Psychology
Psychother Psychosom (2013) 82 (2): 99–105.
Specific Collaborative Group Intervention for Patients with Medically Unexplained Symptoms in General Practice: A Cluster Randomized Controlled Trial
Subject Area:
Psychiatry and Psychology
R. Schaefert; C. Kaufmann; B. Wild; D. Schellberg; R. Boelter; R. Faber; J. Szecsenyi; N. Sauer; E. Guthrie; W. Herzog
Psychother Psychosom (2013) 82 (2): 106–119.
Letter to the Editor
Psychoanalytic Single Cases Published in ISI-Ranked Journals: The Construction of an Online Archive
Subject Area:
Psychiatry and Psychology
Mattias Desmet; Reitske Meganck; Carolina Seybert; Jochem Willemsen; Filip Geerardyn; Frédéric Declercq; Ruth Inslegers; Eline Trenson; Stijn Vanheule; Lewis Kirschner; Isabelle Schindler; Horst Kächele
Psychother Psychosom (2013) 82 (2): 120–121.
Quik Fix: A Randomized Controlled Trial of an Enhanced Brief Motivational Interviewing Intervention for Alcohol/Cannabis and Psychological Distress in Young People
Subject Area:
Psychiatry and Psychology
Psychother Psychosom (2013) 82 (2): 122–124.
Differences in Cognitive Behavioral Therapy Dropout Rates between Bulimia Nervosa Subtypes Based on Drive for Thinness and Depression
Subject Area:
Psychiatry and Psychology
Eva Peñas-Lledó; Zaida Agüera; Isabel Sánchez; Katarina Gunnard; Susana Jiménez-Murcia; Fernando Fernández-Aranda
Psychother Psychosom (2013) 82 (2): 125–126.
Books Received
Subject Area:
Psychiatry and Psychology
Psychother Psychosom (2013) 82 (2): 127–128.