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June 2005
ISSN 0033-3190
EISSN 1423-0348
Journal Name Change
Vol. 1-12 (1953-1964) were published under the journal's former title Acta Psychotherapeutica et Psychosomatica.
Psychotherapy and Psychosomatics 2005, Vol. 74, No. 4
Why New Psychotherapies for Posttraumatic Stress Disorder?
Subject Area:
Psychiatry and Psychology
Psychother Psychosom (2005) 74 (4): 199–201.
Special Article
Autodestructive Syndromes
Subject Area:
Psychiatry and Psychology
Rüya-Daniela Kocalevent; Herbert Fliege; Matthias Rose; Marc Walter; Gerhard Danzer; Burghard F. Klapp
Psychother Psychosom (2005) 74 (4): 202–211.
Alternatives to Debriefing and Modifications to Cognitive Behavior Therapy for Posttraumatic Stress Disorder
Subject Area:
Psychiatry and Psychology
Psychother Psychosom (2005) 74 (4): 212–217.
Regular Article
Cognitive Behaviour Group Therapy for Chronic Fatigue Syndrome: A Non-Randomised Waiting List Controlled Study
Subject Area:
Psychiatry and Psychology
Psychother Psychosom (2005) 74 (4): 218–224.
Increased Recognition of Depression in Primary Care: Comparison between Primary-Care Physician and ICD-10 Diagnosis of Depression
Subject Area:
Psychiatry and Psychology
Psychother Psychosom (2005) 74 (4): 225–230.
In the Face of Pain: The Relationship between Psychological Well-Being and Disability in Women with Fibromyalgia
Subject Area:
Psychiatry and Psychology
Holly Schleicher; Carmen Alonso; Elizabeth A. Shirtcliff; Daniel Muller; Barbara L. Loevinger; Christopher L. Coe
Psychother Psychosom (2005) 74 (4): 231–239.
Alexithymia and Interpersonal Problems
Subject Area:
Psychiatry and Psychology
Psychother Psychosom (2005) 74 (4): 240–246.
Clinical Note
Childhood Body-Focused Behaviors and Social Behaviors as Risk Factors of Eating Disorders
Subject Area:
Psychiatry and Psychology
Barbara Mangweth; Armand Hausmann; Claudia Danzl; Thomas Walch; Claudia I. Rupp; Wilfried Biebl; James I. Hudson; Harrison G. Pope Jr.
Psychother Psychosom (2005) 74 (4): 247–253.
An Evaluation of the ‘Coping with Depression Course’ for Relapse Prevention with Unipolar Depressed Patients
Subject Area:
Psychiatry and Psychology
Psychother Psychosom (2005) 74 (4): 254–259.
Letters to the Editor
National Comorbidity Survey Data Concerning Cancer and Depression Lack Credibility
Subject Area:
Psychiatry and Psychology
Psychother Psychosom (2005) 74 (4): 260–261.
Subject Area:
Psychiatry and Psychology
Psychother Psychosom (2005) 74 (4): 261–262.