Theoretical assumptions about how psychotropic drugs ‘work’ are rarely discussed explicitly. In a ‘disease-centred model,’ drugs are believed to work by acting on a disease process. In contrast, in a ‘drug-centred model,’ the characteristic physiological, behavioural and subjective effects of drugs are used to define drug action. The therapeutic value of a drug stems from the usefulness of these effects in clinical situations. The disease-centred model appears dominant but has weaknesses: (1) it cannot logically justify the use of drugs since major pathophysiological hypotheses were derived from selectively observed actions of drugs; (2) comparisons between drugs believed to have specific effects in certain conditions and drugs thought to have non-specific effects fail to support it; (3) outcome measures for various disorders include items responsive to non-specific drug effects; (4) studies with healthy volunteers describe characteristic drug-induced states independently of a psychiatric diagnosis; (5) animal tests show effects with agents not usually thought of as specific treatments for the conditions modelled by tests. This article offers suggestions to develop a drug-centred model and discusses its potential impact on clinical practice.

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Drug Dosage: The authors and the publisher have exerted every effort to ensure that drug selection and dosage set forth in this text are in accord with current recommendations and practice at the time of publication. However, in view of ongoing research, changes in government regulations, and the constant flow of information relating to drug therapy and drug reactions, the reader is urged to check the package insert for each drug for any changes in indications and dosage and for added warnings and precautions. This is particularly important when the recommended agent is a new and/or infrequently employed drug.
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