The information on the psychodynamics of monosymptomatic functional sexual disorders in men obtained so far from individual psychoanalytical investigations were tested on a large body of patients. In 74 men with psychogenic monosymptomatic primary or secondary potency disorders, several psychoanalytical interviews and pair interviews as well as, in some cases, a short psychotherapy were carried out. Investigations showed that in men with primary or secondary disorders of libido, erection and ejaculation, monosymptomatic neuroses were present in psychodynamic terms with particular repercussions for partner relationships. A correlation of symptomatology, age and psychodynamics was shown. Specific age-dependent conflict constellations could be discerned psychodynamically. In sexual phobias, primary disorders of erection and ejaculatio praecox, oedipal conflicts were found especially in young adults. In ejaculatio deficiens, the specific psychodynamics lay in an anal-retentive defense against pre-oedipal fears of anal-sadistic impulses and fear of ego-loss. In secondary (rarely primary) disorders of libido, erection and ejaculation, character neuroses, neurotic partnership conflicts on a pre-oedipal level as well as narcissistic crises in middle age were found. The results are discussed with regard to earlier views on the psychodynamics of functional sexual disorders in men.