A 31-year-old patient, M., with spasmodic torticollis was sucessfully treated over 344 h. She denied her unsolved problem deriving from the oedipal situation and her exhibitionistic and voyeuristic urges. In the course of the treatment appeared a regression onto the anal and oral label a deep regression of the Ego. An important fact during her treatment was her believe in the omnipotence of movement and the symbiotic relationship towards her mother. The turning away of the head must be interpreted as an attempt to free herself from this unity. Certain similarities existing in cases of depression and of spasmodic torticollis were pointed out: similarities in the triggersituation and in the tendency to introject the object. The involuntary movement of the head (the spasmodic torticollis) is not caused by the Ego, but by the Ego, which has been changed through the incorporation of the loved and hated object. The deep regression of the Ego and the corresponding mechanisms of defense were described. Analogous to the extensively described patient M. all patients of our series had a severe neurosis which was not all similar. Usually the patients were very narcissistic persons with strong exhibitionistic and voyeristic tendences. In all cases there was to be found a deep regression to the anal and oral label with the before mentioned phenomenons and a severe regression of the Ego and the corresponding mechanisms of defense.