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Journal Articles
Journal Articles
Pediatr Neurosurg (2020) 55 (1): 62–66.
Published Online: 26 November 2019
... to in the content or advertisements. The first case is of a 10-year-old male who was initially found to have a sellar/suprasellar arachnoid cyst identified on head ultrasound at 2 months of age. He later underwent an MRI of the brain, which demonstrated a 1.6 × 1.9 × 2.5 cm sellar/suprasellar arachnoid cyst...
Journal Articles
Pediatr Neurosurg (2019) 54 (3): 207–211.
Published Online: 25 June 2019
...Emre Bilgin; Ali İhsan Ökten; Yurdal Gezercan; Gökhan Çavuş; Vedat Açık; Ali Arslan; Süleyman Altıntaş Fungal infections of the central nervous system and pediatric brain abscess are rare but serious conditions in terms of morbidity and mortality that need immediate diagnosis and treatment. It can...
Journal Articles
Pediatr Neurosurg (2009) 45 (3): 220–224.
Published Online: 15 June 2009
...D. Muzumdar; S. Balasubramaniam; S. Melkundi Tuberculous brain abscess is a rare manifestation of central nervous system tuberculosis. We report the case of a tuberculous temporal lobe abscess in a 14-year-old female child that mimicked an otogenic pyogenic brain abscess. The patient had no prior...
Journal Articles
Pediatr Neurosurg (1996) 25 (2): 100–104.
Published Online: 07 March 2008
.... Those at the base of the brain may be more difficult to eradicate. In addition to primary Ewing’s tumors, metastases to the skull and the brain from other primary sources in the skeleton have been documented in several reports. 19 08 1996 16 10 1996 7 3 2008 © 1996 S. Karger AG...
Journal Articles
Journal Articles
Pediatr Neurosurg (1991) 17 (1): 48–52.
Published Online: 05 March 2008
...Elida Vazquez; William S. Ball, Jr.; Erin C. Prenger; Amparo Castellote; Kerry R. Crone Choroid plexus neoplasms (CPN) are rare tumors occurring with a relative incidence of 0.5% of intracranial neoplasms in all age groups and 1.5–6.4% of all pediatric brain tumors. In children, the most common...
Journal Articles
Pediatr Neurosurg (1992) 18 (2): 92–104.
Published Online: 05 March 2008
... calcification, such as TORCH syndrome. This article summarizes the most recent CT and MR findings of infection involving the meninges and brain parenchyma. Pediatr Neurosurg 1992:18:92-104 Richard R. Smith Department of Radiology and Neurology. Indiana University School of Medicine, Indianapolis. Ind.. USA...
Journal Articles
Journal Articles
Pediatr Neurosurg (1998) 29 (1): 29–35.
Published Online: 09 October 1998
... Research Hospital, and Departments of g Neurosurgery, h Pediatrics and i Radiation Oncology, University of Tennessee College of Medicine, Memphis, Tenn., USA OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO Key Words Gliomas Thalamus Brain Oncology, pediatric Bithalamic Involvement Predicts Poor Outcome...