The purpose of the present study was to examine in rats the effects of acute bile duct ligation on the expression of the organic anion transporter 1 in the kidney and the consequences of these effects on the systemic clearance of organic anions, particularly on p-aminohippurate (PAH) clearance, since it has been viewed as the prototypic organic anion. Male Wistar rats underwent bile duct ligation (BDL rats). Pair-fed sham-operated rats served as controls. All studies were carried out 21 h after surgery. Our data revealed that BDL rats had a higher expression of organic transporter 1 protein in kidney cortex homogenates. Accordingly, systemic clearance of PAH and urinary excretion of PAH were both higher in BDL rats. These findings suggest that impairment of the liver function after BDL is followed by a distinct and statistically significant increase in renal excretion of PAH, indicating a possible compensation mechanism.