The effectiveness and safety of suprofen 200 mg, aspirin 650 mg, and placebo in the treatment of moderate to severe pain were compared in a 72-hour multiple-dose, double-blind, parallel, randomized study in 75 adults suffering from musculoskeletal pain. Suprofen was superior to aspirin and placebo for pain relief, total pain relief scores, pain severity, activity impairment, comparative evaluation of activity impairment, and comparative evaluation of pain and sleep, with differences achieving statistical significance for most parameters at the 24- to 72-hour evaluation points. 1 mild, transient side effect occurred in the suprofen group, 3 in the placebo group, and 4 of moderate intensity in the aspirin group. The effectiveness of multiple-dose treatment of musculoskeletal pain with suprofen 200 mg is superior to that of aspirin and placebo.