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Keywords: Plating efficiency
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Journal Articles
Pathobiology (1991) 59 (5): 357–360.
Published Online: 07 October 2008
...Ingrid Willers; A. Koeppen; S. Singh; H.W. Goedde Fibroblasts derived from patients with undisputed autosomal recessive Friedreich’s ataxia were examined for their growth characteristics including plating efficiency, proliferation curves and cumulative number of population doublings. In comparison...
Journal Articles
Experimental Cell Biology (1990) 58 (6): 323–328.
Published Online: 07 October 2008
...Xiange Peng; Martin J. Murphy, Jr. Plating efficiencies (PEs) of primary human tumors cloned in a capillary assay system were compared to those derived from the conventional two-layer agar Petri dish assay system. A total of 143 consecutively received primary human tumors of 24 different...