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Journal Articles
Journal Articles
Pathobiology (2003) 70 (5): 297–301.
Published Online: 30 May 2003
...E. Aydt; G. Wolff Asthma is characterized by chronic inflammation of large and small airways maintained by extravasation of leukocytes from the bloodstream into the surrounding peribronchial tissue. The process of extravasation is of crucial importance in inflammation and is mediated by a sequenced...
Journal Articles
Pathobiology (2003) 70 (5): 287–292.
Published Online: 30 May 2003
... that these proteins not only augment innate immune responses to invading microorganisms but also act on adaptive immune functions like dendritic cell maturation and T cell proliferation. Both SP-A and SP-D downregulate the eosinophilic inflammation in murine asthma models and shift the cytokine profile towards a T...
Journal Articles
Pathobiology (2003) 70 (5): 270–276.
Published Online: 30 May 2003
... to persons or property resulting from any ideas, methods, instructions or products referred to in the content or advertisements. Th1 cells Th2 cells T regulatory cells Asthma Allergy Infection Vaccination Pathobiology 2002 03;70:270 276 DOI: 10.1159/000070741 Inflammation versus...
Journal Articles
Pathobiology (2003) 70 (5): 252–254.
Published Online: 30 May 2003
...R. Pabst The incidence of asthma in children and adults is continuously increasing in the developed countries. Its pathophysiology is still not yet clarified in sufficient detail. Despite a large number of animal models for asthma (mainly rodents), these only partly mimic the situation in humans...
Journal Articles
Pathobiology (2003) 70 (5): 255–259.
Published Online: 30 May 2003
.... Asthma Cytokines Lipopolysaccharides Mice Ovalbumin Pathobiology 2002 03;70:255 259 DOI: 10.1159/000070738 Endotoxins and Allergy: Lessons from the Murine Model K. Gerhold K. Blümchen A. Bock A. Franke A. Avagjan E. Hamelmann Department of Pediatric Pneumology and Immunology, University Hospital...
Journal Articles
Pathobiology (2002) 69 (4): 179–211.
Published Online: 10 May 2002
... for Neuro-disability, West Hill, London, UK Key Words Macrophage W Inflammation W Peripheral tolerance W Cytokines W NF-ÎB W cAMP W Lipopolysaccharide W Autoimmunity W Asthma W Leishmania Abstract A number of general principles of macrophage biology and pathobiology are formulated to define the contribution...