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This article was originally published in
Experimental Cell Biology
ISSN 0304-3568
EISSN 2235-1671
In this Issue
Journal Name Change
Published with Vol. 44-57 (1976-1989) as: Experimental Cell Biology.
Experimental Cell Biology 1987, Vol. 55, No. 5
Differences in Growth Factor Sensitivity between Primary and Transformed Murine Cell Cultures Revealed by BrdU/Hoechst Flow Cytometry
Experimental Cell Biology (1987) 55 (5): 225–236.
Human Monoclonal Antibodies Derived from Pleural Effusion Lymphocytes of a Patient with Breast Carcinoma React with Human Breast Cancer-Associated Antigens and Mouse Mammary Tumor Virus Polypeptides
Nechama I. Smorodinsky; Shmuel Argov; Yosi Ghendles; Ronit Bakimer; Margalith Krup; Ruth Lupu; Iafa Keydar; Yehuda Shoenfeld
Experimental Cell Biology (1987) 55 (5): 237–249.
Methodology for Detection of Heterogeneity of Cell Locomotory Phenotypes in Three-Dimensional Gels
Experimental Cell Biology (1987) 55 (5): 250–256.
Effects of Urinary Extracts from Patients with Idiopathic Thrombocytopenic Purpura or Aplastic Anemia on Rodent Platelet Production and Megakaryocytopoiesis
Experimental Cell Biology (1987) 55 (5): 257–264.
Human Bone Marrow CFU-GM and BFU-E Localized by Light Scatter Cell Sorting
Experimental Cell Biology (1987) 55 (5): 265–270.
Transition from Non-Muscle to Muscle Myosin Light Chains in Chick Embryo Development
Experimental Cell Biology (1987) 55 (5): 271–275.
5-Azacytidine Inhibits Adipocytic Conversion of Human Skin Fibroblasts by Kirsten Murine Sarcoma Virus and Dexamethasone
Experimental Cell Biology (1987) 55 (5): 276–280.
Fibroblasts from Persons Predisposed to Cancer Are Abnormally Resistant to 5-Azacytidine-Induced Cytotoxicity
Experimental Cell Biology (1987) 55 (5): 281–284.