Since introduction to the clinics in the 1990s, resorbable osteosynthesis systems have undergone extensive improvements in order to establish their use as a standard treatment, especially in craniomaxillofacial surgery. However, the development of osteosynthesis systems made of poly(α-hydroxy acid) polymers has been hindered by the lack of information on the mechanical properties and biocompatibility of these materials. Moreover, magnesium-based degredable osteosynthesis materials have not yet been integrated into clinical practice owing to biocompatibility problems. Osteosynthesis systems made from nonresorbable titanium alloys have shown excellent biocompatibility, stability and individual fitting to the implant bed, so these materials are currently considered the ‘gold standard'. The procedure of plate removal has been subjected to intense scrutiny and controversy. Bioresorbable materials are indicated for special conditions, such as osteosynthesis of the growing skull or orbital floor reconstructions. This paper presents an overview of the currently available and investigated resorbable osteosynthesis materials in comparison with the nonresorbable ‘gold standard' titanium. The main problem areas such as sterilization, biocompatibility and stability are highlighted and perspectives for further improvements are provided.

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