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Authors should always indicate funding sources during submission and include information on their grants in the funding sources section of their papers.
A list of institutions with Open Access agreements covering part or all of Article Processing Charges (APCs) and a list of some funders with Open Access mandates can be found below.
Transformative Publish & Access Agreements
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Karger has established agreements with cooperating consortia and institutions that include full or partial coverage of Article Processing Charges (APC) or Authors ChoiceTM publication fee, helping authors publish articles Open Access and comply with Open Access mandates. This means authors can publish Open Access without incurring any additional costs or with reduced APCs.
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Council of Australian University Librarians (CAUL)
Corresponding authors affiliated with the following institutions are eligible for full coverage of APC and Authors ChoiceTM publication fee and all additional publication costs for articles published as Open Access in full Open Access and hybrid journals (subscription journals with an Open Access option).
Institution |
Curtin University |
James Cook University |
Macquarie University |
Monash University |
University of Adelaide |
University of Queensland |
University of South Australia |
University of Western Australia |
Corresponding authors affiliated with the following institutions are eligible for full coverage of APC and Authors ChoiceTM publication fee and all additional publication costs for articles published as Open Access in full Open Access and hybrid journals (subscription journals with an Open Access option).
Institution |
LKH-Universitätsklinikum Graz |
Medizinische Universität Graz |
Corresponding authors affiliated with the following institutions are eligible for full coverage of APC and Authors ChoiceTM publication fee and all additional publication costs for articles published as Open Access in full Open Access and hybrid journals (subscription journals with an Open Access option).
Institution |
Medizinische Universität Wien Eligibility will be verified by the institute. |
Universitätsklinikum AKH Wien Eligibility will be verified by the institute. |
Corresponding authors affiliated with the following institutions are eligible for full coverage of APC and Authors ChoiceTM publication fee and all additional publication costs for articles published as Open Access in full Open Access and hybrid journals (subscription journals with an Open Access option).
Institution |
Karl Landsteiner Privatuniversität für
Gesundheitswissenschaften Eligibility will be verified by the institute. |
Universitätsklinikum Eggenburg Eligibility will be verified by the institute. |
Universitätsklinikum Krems Eligibility will be verified by the institute. |
Universitätsklinikum St. Polten Eligibility will be verified by the institute. |
Universitätsklinikum Tulln Eligibility will be verified by the institute. |
Corresponding authors affiliated with the following institution are eligible for full coverage of APC and Authors ChoiceTM Publication Fee and all additional publication costs for articles published as Open Access in full Open Access and hybrid journals (subscription journals with an Open Access option).
Institution |
McGill University |
University of Toronto |
A limited credit for coverage of APCs and Authors ChoiceTM publication fee and all additional publication costs for articles published as Open Access in fully Open Access and hybrid journals (subscription journals with an Open Access option) may be available for corresponding authors of institutes listed below. Availability will be checked upon acceptance of the paper.
Institution |
Air Force Military Medical University Eligibility will be verified by the institute. |
Army Medical University Eligibility will be verified by the institute. |
Capital Medical University Eligibility will be verified by the institute. |
Central South University Eligibility will be verified by the institute. |
China Medical University Eligibility will be verified by the institute. |
Fudan University Eligibility will be verified by the institute. |
Hainan Medical University Eligibility will be verified by the institute. |
Huazhong University of Science and Technology Eligibility will be verified by the institute. |
Jilin University Eligibility will be verified by the institute. |
Kunming Medical University Eligibility will be verified by the institute. |
Nanjing Medical University Eligibility will be verified by the institute. |
Peking University Health Science Center Eligibility will be verified by the institute. |
Shanghai Jiaotong University Medical School Eligibility will be verified by the institute. |
Shenzhen University Town Library Eligibility will be verified by the institute. |
Southeast University Eligibility will be verified by the institute. |
Southern Medical University Eligibility will be verified by the institute. |
Sun Yat-Sen University Eligibility will be verified by the institute. |
Wuhan University Eligibility will be verified by the institute. |
Xi’an Jiaotong University Eligibility will be verified by the institute. |
Zhejiang University Eligibility will be verified by the institute. |
A limited credit for coverage of APCs and Authors ChoiceTM publication fee and all additional publication costs for articles published as Open Access in fully Open Access and hybrid journals (subscription journals with an Open Access option) is available for corresponding authors of institutes listed below. Availability will be checked upon acceptance of the paper.
Institution |
Chinese Academy of Medical Sciences & Peking Union Medical
College Eligibility will be verified by the institute. |
Corresponding authors affiliated with the following institutions are eligible for full coverage of APC and Authors ChoiceTM publication fee and all additional publication costs for articles published as Open Access in full Open Access and hybrid journals (subscription journals with an Open Access option).
Institution |
Univerzita Karlova (Charles University) |
Bulovka University Hospital |
General University Hospital in Prague |
Motol University Hospital |
Thomayer University Hospital |
University Hospital Hradec Králové |
University Hospital Kralovske Vinohrady |
University Hospital in Pilsen |
Masarykova univerzita (Masaryk University) |
Corresponding authors affiliated with the following institutions are eligible for full coverage of APC and Authors ChoiceTM publication fee and all additional publication costs for articles published as Open Access in full Open Access and hybrid journals (subscription journals with an Open Access option).
Institution |
University of Eastern Finland Eligibility will be verified by the institute. |
Kuopio University Hospital Eligibility will be verified by the institute. |
Corresponding authors affiliated with the following institutions are eligible for full coverage of APC and all additional publication costs for articles published in Open Access Journals.
Institution |
Université de Lyon Claude Bernard |
Université de Toulouse |
A limited contingent for full coverage of APCs and Authors ChoiceTM publication fee and all additional publication costs for articles published as Open Access in fully Open Access and hybrid journals (subscription journals with an Open Access option) is available for institute listed below. Availability will be checked upon acceptance of the paper.
Institution |
Université de Paris |
Corresponding authors affiliated with the following institutions are eligible for full coverage by their institution’s library of APC and Authors ChoiceTM publication fee and all additional publication costs for articles published as Open Access in full Open Access and hybrid journals (subscription journals with an Open Access option).
Cost coverage is valid only for case-reports, research, review, systematic review, meta-analyses and methods articles.
Authors ChoiceTM is the fully Open Access Option for Karger hybrid (subscription) journals.
Institution |
Bundesamt fur Strahlenschutz Eligibility will be verified by the ZB Med. |
Deutsches Rheuma-Forschungszentrum Berlin Eligibility will be verified by the ZB Med. |
Freie Universität Berlin |
Forschungszentrum Borstel |
Goethe-Universität Frankfurt |
Universitätsklinikum Frankfurt |
Heinrich-Heine-Universität Düsseldorf |
Universitätsklinikum Düsseldorf UKD |
Institut fur Qualitat und Wirtschaftlichkeit im
Gesundheitswesen Eligibility will be verified by the ZB Med. |
Justus-Liebig-Universität Gießen |
Universitätsklinikum Standort Giessen |
Leibniz-Institut fur Praventionsforschung und Epidemiologie -
BIPS GmbH Eligibility will be verified by the ZB Med. |
Medizinische Hochschule Hannover |
Max-Planck-Gesellschaft zur Förderung der Wissenschaften
e.V. Eligibility will be verified by the institute. |
Otto-von-Guericke-Universität Magdeburg |
Otto-von-Guericke-Universitätsklinik Magdeburg |
Philipps-Universität Marburg |
Universitätsklinikum Marburg |
Technische Universität Dresden |
Universitätsklinikum Carl Gustav Carus / Dresden |
Universität Greifswald |
Universitätsmedizin Greifswald |
Universität Leipzig |
Universitätsklinikum Leipzig |
Universität Mannheim Eligibility will be verified by the institute. |
Universität Regensburg Eligibility will be verified by the institute. |
Universitätsklinikum Regensburg Eligibility will be verified by the institute. |
Universität Wuppertal |
ZB MED Eligibility will be verified by the institute. |
Corresponding authors affiliated with the following institutions are eligible for full coverage by their institution’s library of the Authors ChoiceTM publication fee and all additional publication costs for articles published as Open Access in hybrid journals (subscription journals with an Open Access option), as well as 15% discount on APC and all additional publication costs for articles published in full Open Access journals.
Cost coverage and discount respectively is valid only for case-reports, research, review, systematic review, meta-analyses and methods articles.
Authors ChoiceTM is the fully Open Access Option for Karger hybrid (subscription) journals.
Institution |
Universität Rostock |
Universitätsklinikum Rostock |
Universitätsmedizin Rostock |
Universität des Saarlandes |
Universitätsklinikum des Saarlandes |
Corresponding authors affiliated with the following institution are eligible for full coverage of APC and Authors ChoiceTM publication fee and all additional publication costs for articles published as Open Access in full Open Access and hybrid journals (subscription journals with an Open Access option).
Institution |
Chinese University of Hong Kong Eligibility will be verified by the institute. |
University of Hong Kong |
Corresponding authors affiliated with the following institutions are eligible for full coverage of APC and Authors ChoiceTM Publication Fee and all additional publication costs for articles published as Open Access in full Open Access and hybrid journals (subscription journals with an Open Access option).
Institution |
University of Pecs Eligibility will be verified by the institute. |
In the context of the National License Agreement, all corresponding authors affiliated with an Icelandic institution are eligible for full coverage of APC and Authors ChoiceTM publication fee and all additional publication costs for articles published as Open Access in full Open Access and hybrid journals (subscription journals with an Open Access option).
A limited credit for coverage of APCs and Authors ChoiceTM publication fee and all additional publication costs for articles published as Open Access in fully Open Access and hybrid journals (subscription journals with an Open Access option) is available for corresponding authors of institutes listed below. Availability will be checked upon acceptance of the paper.
Eligibility will be verified by the institute.
Institution |
Manipal Academy of Higher Education |
T A Pai Management Institute |
A limited credit for coverage of APCs and Authors ChoiceTM publication fee and all additional publication costs for articles published as Open Access in fully Open Access and hybrid journals (subscription journals with an Open Access option) is available for corresponding authors of institutes listed below. Availability will be checked upon acceptance of the paper.
Eligibility will be verified by the institute.
Institution |
Dr. D.Y. Patil Medical College, Hospital & Research Center |
A limited contingent for full coverage of APCs for articles published in Open Access journals is available for institute listed below. Availability will be checked upon acceptance of the paper.
Institution |
Saveetha University Eligibility will be verified by the institute. |
A limited credit for coverage of APCs and Authors ChoiceTM publication fee and all additional publication costs for articles published as Open Access in fully Open Access and hybrid journals (subscription journals with an Open Access option) is available for corresponding authors of institutes listed below. Availability will be checked upon acceptance of the paper.
Institution |
All India Institute of Medical Sciences - Kalyani Eligibility will be verified by the institute. |
A limited credit for coverage of APCs and Authors ChoiceTM publication fee and all additional publication costs for articles published as Open Access in fully Open Access and hybrid journals (subscription journals with an Open Access option) may be available for corresponding authors of institutes listed below. Availability will be checked upon acceptance of the paper.
Institution |
Siksha O Anusandhan Eligibility will be verified by the institute. |
Corresponding authors affiliated with the following institution may be eligible for full coverage of APC and Authors ChoiceTM publication fee and all additional publication costs for articles published as Open Access in full Open Access and hybrid journals (subscription journals with an Open Access option).
Institution |
Universitas Padjadjaran |
Corresponding authors affiliated with the following institutions are eligible for full coverage of APC and Authors ChoiceTM publication fee and all additional publication costs for articles published as Open Access in full Open Access and hybrid journals (subscription journals with an Open Access option).
Institution |
Ben Gurion University of the Negev |
Bar-Ilan University |
Haifa University |
Hebrew University of Jerusalem |
Technion - Israel Institute of Technology |
Tel Aviv University |
Weizmann Institute of Science |
Corresponding authors affiliated with the following institution may be eligible for full coverage of APC and Authors ChoiceTM publication fee and all additional publication costs for articles published as Open Access in full Open Access and hybrid journals (subscription journals with an Open Access option).
Institution |
Università di Padova Eligibility will be verified by the institute. |
A limited contingent for full coverage of APC and Authors ChoiceTM publication fee and all additional publication costs for articles published as Open Access in fully Open Access and hybrid journals (subscription journals with an Open Access option) is available for institutes listed below. Availability will be checked upon acceptance of the paper.
Eligible: Corresponding author must be affiliated with one of the institutes and contingent must be available.
Institution |
Kindai (Kinki) University |
Kindai University Hospital |
Kindai University Nara Hospital |
Kitasato University |
Kitasato University Hospital |
Kitasato Institute Hospital |
Kyoto University |
Kyoto University Hospital |
Juntendo University |
Juntendo University Hospital |
Juntendo University Shizuoka Hospital |
Juntendo University Nerima Hospital |
Juntendo University Urayasu Hospital |
Juntendo University Koshigaya Hospital |
Juntendo Tokyo Koto Geriatric Medical Center |
Educational Corporation Juntendo/School Corporation Juntendo |
Shiga University of Medical Science |
Shiga University of Medical Science Hospital |
Shimane University |
Shimane University Hospital |
Shizuoka Cancer Center |
Tohoku University |
Tohoku University Hospital |
Toranomon Hospital |
Toranomon Hospital Kajigaya |
University of Tokyo |
University of Tokyo, The Institute of Medical Science |
University of Tokyo Hospital |
Yokohama City University |
Yokohama City University Hospital |
Yokohama City University Medical Center |
A limited contingent for full coverage of APC and Authors ChoiceTM publication fee and all additional publication costs for articles published as Open Access in fully Open Access and hybrid journals (subscription journals with an Open Access option) is available for the institute listed below. Availability will be checked upon acceptance of the paper.
Eligible: Corresponding author must be affiliated with the institute and contingent must be available.
Institution |
University of Malta |
A limited contingent for full coverage of APCs and Authors ChoiceTM publication fee and all additional publication costs for articles published as Open Access in fully Open Access and hybrid journals (subscription journals with an Open Access option) is available for institute listed below. Availability will be checked upon acceptance of the paper.
Institution |
Universidad Autonoma Metropolitana (UAM) Eligibility will be verified by the institute. |
A limited contingent for full coverage of APCs and Authors ChoiceTM publication fee and all additional publication costs for articles published as Open Access in fully Open Access and hybrid journals (subscription journals with an Open Access option) is available for institute listed below. Availability will be checked upon acceptance of the paper.
Institution |
Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México (UNAM) Eligibility will be verified by the institute. |
A limited contingent for full coverage of APCs and Authors ChoiceTM publication fee and all additional publication costs for articles published as Open Access in fully Open Access and hybrid journals (subscription journals with an Open Access option) is available for institute listed below. Availability will be checked upon acceptance of the paper.
Institution |
CINVESTAV Eligibility will be verified by the institute. |
Council of Australian University Librarians (CAUL)
Corresponding authors affiliated with the following institutions are eligible for full coverage of APC and Authors ChoiceTM publication fee and all additional publication costs for articles published as Open Access in full Open Access and hybrid journals (subscription journals with an Open Access option).
Institution |
Auckland University of Technology |
University of Auckland |
Corresponding authors affiliated with the following institutions are eligible for full coverage of APC and Authors ChoiceTM Publication Fee and all additional publication costs for articles published as Open Access in full Open Access and hybrid journals (subscription journals with an Open Access option).
Institution |
Cancer Registry Norway |
Institute of Clinical Medicine Oslo |
Oslo University Hospital |
University of Oslo |
Local contact Oslo: [email protected]
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A limited contingent for full coverage of APC and Authors ChoiceTM publication fee and all additional publication costs for articles published as Open Access in fully Open Access and hybrid journals (subscription journals with an Open Access option) is available for the institute listed below. Availability will be checked upon acceptance of the paper.
Eligible: Corresponding author must be affiliated with the institute and contingent must be available.
Institution |
Universidad César Vallejo |
Corresponding authors affiliated with the following institution are eligible for full coverage of APC and Authors ChoiceTM publication fee and all additional costs for articles published as Open Access in full Open Access and hybrid journals (subscription journals with an Open Access option).
Institution |
Weill Cornell Medicine |
Qatar National Library
Corresponding authors, including individual students, authors employed in medical work and / or for research purposes by any government entity, hospital, and/or educational institution in Qatar, including but not limited to the following institutions are eligible for full coverage of APC and Authors ChoiceTM Publication Fee and all additional publication costs for articles published as Open Access in full Open Access and hybrid journals (subscription journals with an Open Access option).
Eligibility will be verified by the Qatar National Library.
Institution |
Qatar National Library |
Qatar University |
Hamad Bin Khalifa University |
Hamad Medical Corporation |
Sidra Medicine |
Corresponding authors affiliated with the following institutions are eligible for full coverage of APC and Authors ChoiceTM publication fee and all additional publication costs for articles published as Open Access in full Open Access and hybrid journals (subscription journals with an Open Access option).
Institution |
Ajou University Medical Information & Media Center |
Chonnam National University Medical School |
Chung-Ang University Medical Center |
Daegu Catholic University, School of Medicine |
Daegu Gyeongbuk Institute of Science and Technology |
Gachon University Medical Campus |
Gyeongsang National University Medical Library |
Hanyang University |
Kangbuk Samsung Hospital |
Konkuk University Medical Center |
Kyung Hee University Hospital at Gangdong |
Kyung Hee University Medical Center |
Kyungpook National University |
Korea University |
Korea Institute of Science and Technology (KIST) |
Samsung Medical Center |
Yeungnam University Medical Center |
Corresponding authors affiliated with the following institutions are eligible for full coverage of APC and Authors ChoiceTM publication fee and all additional publication costs for articles published as Open Access in full Open Access and hybrid journals (subscription journals with an Open Access option).
Institution |
Catholic University of Korea, Medical College |
Corresponding authors affiliated with the following institution are eligible for full coverage of APC and Authors ChoiceTM publication fee and all additional publication costs for articles published as Open Access in full Open Access and hybrid journals (subscription journals with an Open Access option).
Institution |
Pusan National University |
Corresponding authors affiliated with the following institutions are eligible for full coverage of APC and Authors ChoiceTM publication fee and all additional publication costs for articles published as Open Access in full Open Access and hybrid journals (subscription journals with an Open Access option).
Institution |
National University of Singapore |
Corresponding authors affiliated with the following institution are eligible for full coverage of APC and Authors ChoiceTM publication fee and all additional publication costs for articles published as Open Access in full Open Access and hybrid journals (subscription journals with an Open Access option).
Institution |
Universitat de Barcelona |
Corresponding authors affiliated with the following institutions are eligible for full coverage of APC and Authors ChoiceTM publication fee and all additional publication costs for articles published as Open Access in full Open Access and hybrid journals (subscription journals with an Open Access option).
Institution |
Karlstad University |
Karolinska Institutet Eligibility will be verified by the institute. |
Linköping University |
Lund University |
Medical Products Agency |
Örebro University Eligibility will be verified by the institute. |
Royal Institute of Technology |
SBU, Swedish Agency for Health Technology Assessment and Assessment of Social Services |
Stockholm University |
Swedish Research Council for Health, Working Life and Welfare |
Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences |
Umeå University |
University of Malmö |
University of Gothenburg |
The National Board of Health and Welfare |
Corresponding authors affiliated with the following institutions are eligible for full coverage of APC and Authors ChoiceTM publication fee and all additional publication costs for articles published as Open Access in full Open Access and hybrid journals (subscription journals with an Open Access option).
All publication costs are covered by the institution resp. the institution’s library.
Cost coverage is valid only for case reports, research, review, systematic review, meta-analyses and methods articles.
Institution |
Centre Hospitalier Universitaire Vaudois |
ETH Zürich |
Hôpital Ophtalmique Jules-Gonin |
Inselspital, Universitätsspital Bern Eligibility will be verified by the institute. |
Kinderspital Zürich Eligibility will be verified by the institute. |
Psychiatrische Universitätsklinik Zürich Eligibility will be verified by the institute. |
Universität Basel Eligibility will be verified by the institute. |
Universitäts-Kinderspital beider Basel (UKBB) Eligibility will be verified by the institute. |
Universitätsspital Basel Eligibility will be verified by the institute. |
Università della Svizzera Italiana Eligibility will be verified by the institute. |
Universität Zürich Eligibility will be verified by the institute. |
Universitätsspital Zürich Eligibility will be verified by the institute. |
Universitätsklinik Balgrist Eligibility will be verified by the institute. |
Université de Fribourg |
Université de Lausanne (incl. Haute Ecole Pédagogique) |
A limited contingent for coverage of APCs and Authors ChoiceTM publication fee and all additional publication costs for articles published as Open Access in fully Open Access and hybrid journals (subscription journals with an Open Access option) is available for corresponding authors of institutes listed below. Availability will be checked upon acceptance of the paper.
Institution |
Chang Gung University |
A limited contingent for full coverage of APC and Authors ChoiceTM publication fee and all additional publication costs for articles published as Open Access in fully Open Access and hybrid journals (subscription journals with an Open Access option) is available for the institute listed below. Availability will be checked upon acceptance of the paper.
Eligibility will be checked by the institute.
Institution |
Chang Gung Memorial Hospital |
Corresponding authors affiliated with the following institutions are eligible for full coverage of APC and Authors ChoiceTM publication fee and all additional costs for articles published as Open Access in full Open Access and hybrid journals (subscription journals with an Open Access option).
Institution |
National Taiwan University |
A limited contingent for full coverage of APC and Authors ChoiceTM publication fee and all additional publication costs for articles published as Open Access in fully Open Access and hybrid journals (subscription journals with an Open Access option) may be available for the institute listed below. Availability will be checked upon acceptance of the paper.
Institution |
Faculty of Medicine Ramathibodi Hospital, Mahidol University Eligibility will be verified by the institute. |
Faculty of Medicine Siriraj Hospital, Mahidol University Eligibility will be verified by the institute. |
Corresponding authors affiliated with the following institutions are eligible for full coverage of APC and Authors ChoiceTM publication fee and all additional publication costs for articles published as Open Access in full Open Access and hybrid journals (subscription journals with an Open Access option).
Institution |
University of Amsterdam |
Amsterdam UMC Locatie AMC |
University of Groningen Eligibility will be verified by the institute. |
University Medical Center Groningen Eligibility will be verified by the institute. |
University of Leiden Eligibility will be verified by the institute. |
Leiden University Medical Center Eligibility will be verified by the institute. |
University of Maastricht |
Maastricht University Medical Centre |
Erasmus University Rotterdam Eligibility will be verified by the institute. |
Erasmus MC Eligibility will be verified by the institute. |
University of Tilburg |
University of Utrecht |
University Medical Center Utrecht |
University of Wageningen |
Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam |
Amsterdam UMC Location VUmc |
Corresponding authors affiliated with the following institution are eligible for full coverage by their institution’s library of the Authors ChoiceTM publication fee and all additional publication costs for articles published in hybrid journals (subscription journals with an Open Access option), as well as 15% discount on APC and all additional publication costs for articles published in full Open Access journals.
Cost coverage and discount respectively is valid only for case-reports, research, review, meta-analyses and methods articles.
Authors ChoiceTM is the fully Open Access Option for Karger hybrid (subscription) journals.
Institution |
Max Planck Institute for Psycholinguistics Eligibility will be verified by MPG. |
A limited contingent for full coverage of APC and Authors ChoiceTM publication fee and all additional publication costs for articles published as Open Access in fully Open Access and hybrid journals (subscription journals with an Open Access option) is available for corresponding authors of the institutes listed below. Availability will be checked upon acceptance of the paper.
Eligible: Corresponding author must be affiliated with the institute and contingent must be available
Institution |
Gazi Üniversitesi |
İstanbul Üniversitesi |
TOBB Ekonomi ve Teknoloji Üniversitesi |
Yeditepe Üniversitesi |
A limited contingent for full coverage of APC and Authors ChoiceTM publication fee and all additional publication costs for articles published as Open Access in fully Open Access and hybrid journals (subscription journals with an Open Access option) is available for corresponding authors of the institute listed below. Availability will be checked upon acceptance of the paper.
Eligible: Corresponding author must be affiliated with the institute and contingent must be available.
Institution |
Bezmiâlem Vakıf Üniversitesi |
Scottish Higher Education Digital Library (SHEDL)
Corresponding authors affiliated with the following institutions are eligible for full coverage of APC and Authors ChoiceTM publication fee and all additional publication costs for articles published as Open Access in full Open Access and hybrid journals (subscription journals with an Open Access option).
Institution |
Edinburgh Napier University |
Glasgow Caledonian University |
Glasgow School of Art |
Heriot Watt University |
NHS Scotland |
Queen Margaret University |
Robert Gordon University |
Royal Conservatoire of Scotland |
Scotland's Rural University College |
University of Aberdeen |
University of Abertay |
University of Dundee |
University of Edinburgh |
University of Glasgow |
University of the Highlands and Islands |
University of St Andrews |
University of Stirling |
University of Strathclyde |
University of the West of Scotland |
Corresponding authors affiliated with the following institutions are eligible for full coverage of APC and Authors ChoiceTM publication fee and all additional publication costs for articles published as Open Access in full Open Access and hybrid journals (subscription journals with an Open Access option).
Institution |
Aston University |
Cardiff University Eligibility will be verified by the institute. |
Imperial College London Eligibility will be verified by the institute. |
King's College London Eligibility will be verified by the institute. |
Queen’s University Belfast Eligibility will be verified by the institute. |
Ulster University Eligibility will be verified by the institute. |
University College London Eligibility will be verified by the institute. |
University of Exeter Eligibility will be verified by the institute. |
University of Manchester |
University of Nottingham |
Corresponding authors affiliated with the following institutions are eligible for full coverage of APC and Authors ChoiceTM publication fee and all additional costs for articles published as Open Access in full Open Access and hybrid journals (subscription journals with an Open Access option).
Institution |
Wake Forest University |
Corresponding authors affiliated with the following institutions are eligible for full coverage of APC and Authors ChoiceTM publication fee and all additional costs for articles published as Open Access in full Open Access and hybrid journals (subscription journals with an Open Access option).
Institution |
Stanford University |
Corresponding authors affiliated with the following institutions receive a 50% discount on APC, Authors ChoiceTM publication fee and all additional publication costs for articles published as Open Access in full Open Access and hybrid journals (subscription journals with an Open Access option).
Institution |
University of California Berkeley |
University of California Davis |
University of California Irvine |
University of California Los Angeles |
University of California Merced |
University of California Riverside |
University of California San Diego |
University of California Santa Barbara |
University of California Santa Cruz |
Corresponding authors affiliated with the following institution are eligible for full coverage of APC and Authors ChoiceTM publication fee and all additional costs for articles published as Open Access in full Open Access and hybrid journals (subscription journals with an Open Access option).
Institution |
University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center |
Corresponding authors affiliated with the following institutions are eligible for full coverage of APC and Authors ChoiceTM publication fee and all additional costs for articles published as Open Access in full Open Access and hybrid journals (subscription journals with an Open Access option).
Institution |
New York University |
Corresponding authors affiliated with the following institutions are eligible for full coverage of APC and Authors ChoiceTM publication fee and all additional costs for articles published as Open Access in full Open Access and hybrid journals (subscription journals with an Open Access option).
Institution |
Weill Cornell Medicine |
Corresponding authors affiliated with the following institutions are eligible for full coverage of APC and Authors ChoiceTM publication fee and all additional costs for articles published as Open Access in full Open Access and hybrid journals (subscription journals with an Open Access option).
Institution |
Western Michigan University |
WMU Homer Stryker M.D. School of Medicine |
Corresponding authors affiliated with the following institutions are eligible for full coverage of APC and Authors ChoiceTM publication fee and all additional costs for articles published as Open Access in full Open Access and hybrid journals (subscription journals with an Open Access option).
Institution |
Cleveland Clinic |
Corresponding authors affiliated with the following institutions are eligible for full coverage of APC and Authors ChoiceTM publication fee and all additional costs for articles published as Open Access in full Open Access and hybrid journals (subscription journals with an Open Access option).
Institution |
University of Utah |
Corresponding authors affiliated with the following institutions are eligible for full coverage of APC and Authors ChoiceTM publication fee and all additional costs for articles published as Open Access in full Open Access and hybrid journals (subscription journals with an Open Access option).
Institution |
Vanderbilt University |
Corresponding authors affiliated with the following institution may be eligible for full coverage of APC and Authors ChoiceTM publication fee and all additional publication costs for articles published as Open Access in full Open Access and hybrid journals (subscription journals with an Open Access option).
Institution |
National Institutes of Health |
An important step in the transition to open access
Karger was one of the first publishers MALMAD signed a Read & Publish agreement with. We were very pleased to renew our Read & Publish agreement with Karger for three more years, covering costs for Israeli researchers at participating institutions to publish an unlimited number of Open Access articles in Karger’s journals both Hybrid and Gold, whilst also giving them reading access. Our continuous cooperation with Karger is an important step in the transition to Open Access.Dr. Sigal Lahav Scher, MALMAD Director
Funders with Open Access Mandates
An increasing number of funders and institutions require research papers to be made Open Access. In addition, many funders support their researchers by covering APCs partially or fully. To assist authors with Open Access mandates and those who wish to publish their work Open Access, we have listed some research funders and institutions with Open Access mandates below. If you are uncertain about your funder’s policies, please liaise with them directly or contact us for assistance.
Additional resources for learning about Open Access funds and funder policies include Jisc’s Open Policy Finder and the Open Access Directory.
Funder | Open Access Policy |
Australian Research Council (ARC) | View Policy |
National Health and Medical Research Council (NHMRC) | View Policy |
Funder | Open Access Policy |
Austrian Science Fund (FWF) / Fonds zur Förderung der wissenschaftlichen Forschung (FWF) |
View Policy |
Funder | Open Access Policy |
Heart & Stroke | View Policy |
Canadian Institutes of Health Research (CIHR) | View Policy |
Funder | Open Access Policy |
Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS) | View Policy |
National Natural Science Foundation of China | View Policy |
Funder | Open Access Policy |
Irish Research Council | View Policy |
Science Foundation Ireland | View Policy |
Funder | Open Access Policy |
Telethon Foundation | View Policy |
Funder | Open Access Policy |
Japan Science and Technology Agency (JST) | View Policy |
Japan Society for the Promotion of Science (JSPS) | View Policy |
Funder | Open Access Policy |
Research Council of Norway (RCN) / Norges forskningsråd | View Policy |
Funder | Open Access Policy |
Qatar National Library | View Policy |
Funder | Open Access Policy |
Agency for Science, Technology and Research, Singapore (A*STAR) | View Policy |
Funder | Open Access Policy |
National Research Foundation (NRF) | View Policy |
Funder | Open Access Policy |
Nederlandse Organisatie voor Wetenschappelijk Onderzoek (NWO) / Dutch Research Council |
View Policy |
Funder | Open Access Policy |
European Commission Horizon 2020 | View Policy |
European Research Council (ERC) | View Policy |
Funder | Open Access Policy |
World Health Organization (WHO) | View Policy |
Plan S/ Coalition S | Karger helps authors comply with all funder mandates. See if your funder is part of Coalition S here and check your funder’s instructions. Please also refer to ‘Funding Organizations’ in the Author Guidelines. |
If you are uncertain whether your institution is covered by an agreement, or your funding body is not listed, please contact us