Karger's Psychiatry and Psychology portfolio offers a broad range of journals that cover various aspects of mental health and psychological research. This portfolio covers the genetic and biological underpinnings of psychiatric disorders, highlights the complexities of mental disorders and behavioural sciences, and explores the intersection of psychological and physical health. It also includes journals dedicated to the psychological and developmental processes across the lifespan and to all aspects of addiction.


Call for Papers in Human Development

Revisiting the Qualitative-Quantitative Debate in the Context of Understanding Human Development

Call for Papers in Neuropsychobiology

Exploring Lithium: Innovations and Challenges in Psychiatry and Beyond

Call for Papers in Complex Psychiatry

Genomics, Electronic Health Records, and Artificial Intelligence in the context of Precision Psychiatry


SALP Open access banner European Addiction Research
Banner Complex Psychiatry Journal


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Tile Psychische Störungen – Änderungen in ICD-11

Psychische Störungen – Änderungen in ICD-11

Die Herausgeberinnen und Herausgeber von Verhaltenstherapie möchten Ihnen in Vorbereitung auf die Einführung der ICD-11 in die Praxis in dieser Artikel-Sammlung die relevanten Änderungen von ICD-10 zu ICD-11 und deren wissenschaftliche Herleitung vorstellen.
125 years of Psychopathology

125 years of Psychopathology

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Best of Verhaltenstherapie

Best of Verhaltenstherapie

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