How to Become a Reviewer

The best way to make yourself more visible as a potential reviewer is through your own publications, or by having your peers refer you as a reviewer should they not be able to accept their own invitations to review. However, if you would like to apply to act as a reviewer for one of our publications, follow the steps below:

* Mandatory fields

1 Personal Contact Details

2 Institution Contact Details

3 Education and Professional Background

We ask for a record of your education, professional experience and publications to help the editor determine whether your experience overlaps with the content received by the journal. If existent, please provide a link to your public professional networking account or institutional website if relevant details about your experience are here. In the cover letter, we ask that you outline your suitability to join the reviewer pool for the chosen journal.

4 Areas of Expertise

Subject Areas & Journals *

Audiology and Speech

Cardiovascular System

Dental Medicine



Further Areas


General Medicine


Geriatrics and Gerontology


Immunology and Allergy


Neurology and Neuroscience

Nutrition and Dietetics



Pathology and Cell Biology



Psychiatry and Psychology

Public Health

Women's and Children's Health

5 Editorial Experience

Additional Information

After receiving all mandatory information above, the Editorial Office will submit your application to the Journal's Publication Manager and Editor-in-Chief, who may decide to include you in the reviewer pool of the journal. However, being added to the list of reviewers of a Journal does not guarantee you would be solicited to review, as this will depend greatly on the keywords you provide and the fact that editors commonly choose reviewers based on referral through other researchers or by awareness of past publications.

Incomplete applications will not be considered. Successful applicants will be automatically added to the journal's manuscript management system. If we have further questions, we will get in contact. If your application is successful, you will receive a notification from the selected journal's editorial office. Please make sure to adjust your spam filters to allow emailing from the Karger domain (

For more details visit Karger Researcher Communities.