Karger’s AI Principles
Empowering the Future with Responsible AI
Creating a Responsible Environment for AI
Artificial Intelligence (AI) refers to the simulation of human intelligence in machines that are programmed to learn like humans by training algorithms on data. AI encompasses a wide range of technologies, from machine learning and natural language processing to robotics and computer vision. In the field of medical publishing, AI brings a multitude of opportunities, revolutionizing the way we create, distribute, and access medical knowledge. However, with great power comes great responsibility.
Karger is committed to the responsible, human-driven use of AI technology in its ecosystems. Our principles are in line with the European Union’s Artificial Intelligence Act which came into force on August 1, 2024. While we have given ourselves our own principles, as an STM Publisher, we also follow ethical and practical guidelines which have been published in a white paper on “Generative AI in scholarly Communication (Download PDF)” by STM.
Karger is committed to AI governance that respects human rights at all times. AI technologies shall accordingly be used as tools that serve the people, respect human dignity, personal autonomy, equality and the rule of law (including, for example, the right to non-discrimination, the right to data protection and privacy, respect for private and family life, the rights of the child, the right to education, consumer protection, and intellectual property rights).
Karger is committed to the transparent application of AI. We communicate actively and openly about the application of any AI and/or large language models in our workflows, or the use of such technologies by our partners and customers. If you wish to see the list of our AI partners, please Contact us.
Karger ensures that there is always a human control, fact checking and decision-making when AI technology is being used, to protect public and individual health and safety (including cybersecurity). The use of AI technologies shall ultimately aim to increase human well-being.
Karger does not tolerate the use of any AI technology that discriminates (e.g. output/outcome based on personal traits or characteristics), or which would lead to a biased output/outcome (e.g., not gender-balanced, not inclusive, intrusive or offensive). For these reasons, Karger does not allow any high-risk uses as defined in the EU AI Act on its licensed content.
Karger holds people responsible who develop or deploy AI technology for any harm they cause to Karger’s stakeholders. Karger requires the possibility of regular audits of any AI technology that is used within its ecosystems. Processes and decisions of AI tools need to be easily traced and explained.
The use of generative AI and AI-assisted technologies in scientific writing for journals and books (including figures and images)
If a Large Language Model (LLM), or other generative AI-based tool (e.g. chatbots or image creators), has been used as part of a study or a manuscript, the use must be clearly declared in the manuscript’s “Methods or Acknowledgements” section.
Generative AI tools may not be listed as an author of the work, in line with our Authorship and Contributorship policy.
Any software used must be cited in the References, in line with our software citation policy. Authors are responsible for guaranteeing the accuracy and originality of the content of their manuscript. The manuscript must include detail on how the accuracy of any generative AI-based output was verified. Authors are encouraged to include the original input prompts and outputs from the tools used as supplementary material.
Failure to comply with the above will be considered a violation of our Editorial Policies and may result in the rejection of a manuscript or post-publication notice, in line with our policy on Misconduct.
The use of generative AI and AI-assisted technologies in the peer review process
The peer review process at Karger is confidential. Reviewers are not allowed to disclose information about the peer review process or manuscript to anyone not directly involved. The manuscript and any related information may not be shared with anyone. It is also not appropriate to input any of the contents of a submission under review to a Large Language Model (LLM) such as ChatGPT, or any machine learning algorithm, as this would be a violation of the privacy of peer review.
Karger uses and tests AI powered tools and technologies in the screening of submissions for completeness, including research integrity checks and to support the peer review process, under human oversight. All decisions and input on review and manuscript decisions are made by human users. All AI tools used are not publicly available and respect copyright laws, security, privacy and confidentiality requirements.
The use of generative AI and AI-assisted technologies in the production process
In production of scientific journals and books, Karger is currently not using any AI assisted technologies
The use of generative AI and AI-assisted technologies in non-scientific writing for journals and books (including figures and images)
In production of non-scientific journals and books, Karger is currently not using any AI assisted technologies.
AI for Academic Partners
Karger grants to its academic institutional subscribers the right to use artificial intelligence technologies on subscribed online content for non-commercial purposes. This grant is a part of our standard terms and conditions with our appreciated customers.
As part of this grant of rights, Karger allows academic institutions to train third-party artificial intelligence tools for scholarly, non-commercial research purposes, in a closed or self-hosted environment, for the exclusive use by authorized users of the academic institution.
Karger does not allow commercial use on the content available at Karger.com without explicit consent. For any type of such use, additional costs might apply. For our general terms of use, please consult Terms of Use | Karger Publishers.
Please note that for open access content, permissions and reuse are determined by the author's choice of user license. The rights and permissions for such content are as follows:
For open access content under the CC BY, the use of artificial intelligence tools and applications is allowed for commercial purposes, subject to the condition that
– you give appropriate credit, provide a link to the license, and indicate if changes were made
For open access content under the CC BY-NC license, the use of artificial intelligence tools and applications is allowed subject to the conditions that:
– you give appropriate credit, provide a link to the license, and indicate if changes were made;
you do not use the material for commercial purposes.
For open access content under the CC BY-NC-ND, the use of artificial intelligence tools and applications is allowed subject to the conditions that:
– you give appropriate credit and provide a link to the license;
– you do not use the material for commercial purposes;
– if you remix, transform, or build upon the material, or adapt it in any way, you do not distribute the modified material.
Karger acknowledges the complexities around the emerging artificial intelligence technologies, and monitors new developments regarding their usage in combination with the usage of Karger content. Karger is actively developing policies and protocols for its customer’s benefit, as well as for the benefit of the public health.
AI for Commercial Partners
Karger does not allow commercial use on the content available at Karger.com without explicit consent. For any type of such use, additional costs may apply. For our general terms of use, please consult Terms of Use | Karger Publishers.