With around 100 journals, our titles comprise nearly the entire medical spectrum.
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With nearly 100 journals in health sciences to explore, there is a high chance you will find a journal that is an exact fit for you. Delivering high-quality content for more than 130 years has not been achieved on our merit alone, but is also in large part due to our expert teams of editors and reviewers, who dedicate so much to our journals. Thanks to their hard work, we have maintained high standards and developed our journals continuously over time, adapting accordingly and keeping up with the latest research findings. In line with our commitment to continuously advance our publications sustainably and responsibly, you can now also peruse our growing number of peer-reviewed Open Access articles in Open Access and hybrid journals.
Connecting and Advancing Health Sciences
Our portfolio of peer-reviewed journals publish the latest developments in health sciences. From promoting Open Science through key article types to sharing updates on selected topics in our Article Collections and Special Issues, edited by experts in the field, we enable researchers and clinicians to communicate and access the latest scientific findings, to advance research in health sciences.
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From Research to Practice
The Kompass journal series helps bridge the gap between research and healthcare practice in subject areas such as dermatology, immunology, nutrition and dietetics, oncology, ophthalmology and pulmonology. Through a process we refer to as knowledge transfer, clinical field specialists write critical reviews of selected original articles, explaining in terms adapted to the local medical setting how the reported study results are relevant to daily medical practice and patient care.